Tag: Marc Gunther

Friday’s News at a glance: 7 Big Themes For Vaping In 2022 – Incorporating e-cigarettes into your Stop Smoking Service – Federal Data Show Sharp Decrease in Teen Drug Use in 2021 – Marc Gunther & Clive Bates – Philippines Senate Passes Comprehensive Vaping Bill – US Senate committee ditches nicotine tax – WVA Believes in Consumer Voice Power – Parliament – Poor journalism falsely claims that vaping causes impotence – Because Most HIV-Positive Smokers Never Quit – Why is the WHO Taking Advice from Iran? – Africa: Can Tobacco Harm Reduction Make its Way Through – The Case for Flavours in THR – Misinformation and Infotainment – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The Desperate Search for a Health Threat From Nicotine Pouches ~ Why the FDA Denied 4.5 Million Product Applications From One Vape Company ~ E-cigarettes, Continued ~ With ENDS Deadline Looming, FDA Must Ignore Activists’ …

Vapers Digest 25th August Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance:- A welcome contribution to global understanding of vaping – The Role of E-Cigarettes in Achieving Scotland’s 2034 Smoke-Free Target – “Vaping can benefit public health.” – SRNT Body Blow For Vape Deniers – IQOS UK Rollback – Follow The Science On Nicotine Regulation – Vaping Does Not Cause Heart Attacks – A Missed Public Health Opportunity for India – Misinformation hinders THR in LMIC – THR efforts must be research-based – Blurring the Line Between Righteousness and Health – How the Juul Lawsuits Could Crush Vaping – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Tobacco Control Experts Unite for Unprecedented Endorsement of Vaping – Signs of sanity in US tobacco control? – Tobacco Control Experts Promote Vaping – Call for a Reset of the Vaping Debate – Stanton Glantz’s Tainted Science – State AGs Pressure FDA – Glantz Paper Pulled Apart – Worst Published Paper Of The Year? – MHRA Closes Vape “Loophole” – Parliament – Drug Legalization Is Trendy—Unless the Drug Is Nicotine – Canadian Vaping Association: – Why do opponents want to suppress or dismiss science? – The WHO’s war on vaping – Vape to curb smoking -WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: –  Mexico’s thaw on heated tobacco – Terrible timing for vape businesses and consumers – Senate Bill 2239 regulates vape market – Preventing Youth Vaping Could Hinder Adults’ – March against the ban of flavours in Montreal – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA EU Nicotine Users Survey – Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids VP – WHO Decides THR Talks Can Wait Until 2023 – Why the WHO is wrong about vaping – Asia-Pacific panel to scrutinize WHO’s latest tobacco report – The tainted science of Stanton Glantz – Nicotine Toothpicks Are a Bigger Story Than We Thought – Another Glantz Debunking – Virtual Hilarity – Otago’s Mixed Messages – Fewer than quarter of Scots want restrictions – Successful countering of tobacco industry efforts to overturn Thailand’s ENDS ban – Ukraine Poised to Pass an Anti-Vaping Law – Misinformation, attacks from NGOs – Breath clouds, heat plumes, and nefarious NGOs – Misinformation Threatens Efforts to Reduce Tobacco Harm – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA Survey Update – The WHO tells us: Don’t say “safer” anymore! – Tobacco Harm Reduction Goes Live on Community Radios in Malawi – Despite Data, WHO’s War on Tobacco Alternatives Continues – E-Liquids between myth and reality – An Anti-Tobacco Hero’s Complicated Legacy – Glantz Won’t Quit – An Unusual Complication of Electronic Cigarette Use – How can we wipe out youth vaping – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: Inquiry into UK Tobacco Harm Reduction Opportunities Post-Brexit – The new prohibitionists – How to make a submission about the proposed vaping flavour ban – Hierarchy of Harm Reduction Disagreement – Discussion Reveals Abuse of THR …

Vapers Digest 19th July Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Patients should be offered advice on vaping – Matt Myers in 2003 and Today – The Vaping Study You Haven’t Heard Of – House Dems Reject Proposed FDA User Fees – World Vape Day – AVCA Applauds Minister – Taxing Times For Europe – Why ignore evidence in the debate – Did Philippines FDA break the law? – Attacks On Vaping, Politically Timed – Anti-Vaping Laws Have Criminal Justice Ramifications – Inside Singapore’s Thriving Black Market – Canada: Vape Policies Could Increase Smoking – Public health seen benefitting from harm reduction – Study explores memory benefits of nicotine – Ignorance is bliss? – Vape stores push back – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Levelling up and capitalising on Brexit – Anti Vaping WHO – The Great Vape Debate – No increased cardiovascular risk for snusers – New RCP Report: Smoking and health 2021 – Toilet Tantrum in Australia – Britain must stand up to the WHO – Rejigging tobacco strategy is essential – Covid-19 and smoking: – Asian Consumers to Celebrate ‘Safer Choice’ – Switching to safer alternatives is also quitting – 2021 New Zealand budget on health reforms – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: In response to ‘The tragic irony of defending the tobacco industry’ ~ To Increase Smoking Rates Among Young Adults, Keep Hiking Vape Taxes ~ Review of: Finding ‘common ground’ on shifting sands: observations on the …

Vapers Digest 21 April Read More »

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