Educating your MP about vaping in Canada
A practical guide for small business owners & workers in the independent vape industry
Version 1.1: 17-03-12 Created by Amelia Howard
Campaigns, Petitions and Vaping Awareness from around the Globe
Educating your MP about vaping in Canada
A practical guide for small business owners & workers in the independent vape industry
Version 1.1: 17-03-12 Created by Amelia Howard
Urgent Call to Action: Victorian Tobacco Amendment Bill On June 8th the Victorian Government will be voting on the Tobacco Amendment Bill, which will regulate e-cigarettes the same way as tobacco products. Vendors will not be able to display their products or offer juice tasting in-house, and users will not be able to vape in smoke-free zones. Vape Meets at pubs and clubs will be banned.
Saturday 21st May A quick round up on what’s been happening in a rather hectic couple of days for Vaping! – No surrender! – #LordsVapeVote Writing Campaign – Vapers in Power – Tell them your story – Dave Dorn Vapour Trails TV – Petition Update – D-day for Vaping – Vaping and the TPD on BBC News – British vapers unite behind Lord’s
Important Update! First petition now finally online: “Don’t implement Art 20 TPD!” https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/petitionen/_2015/_10/_07/Petition_61453.nc.$$$.a.u.html Deadline: 2016-01-20 Originally Posted on Facebook Reproduced here for easy access for Non-Facebook users There are some petitions planned directly to the German Parliament (“Bundestag”) that’ll need international support. …
Dear Mark Zuckerberg & the Facebook team. The United Nations projects that a billion people will die from smoking this century. That is nearly everyone in the United States & Europe. Dead. There is rampant corruption taking place that is …