Tag: Facts Do Matter

Friday’s News at a glance: E-cigarettes in young people: – Not Conservative – Vaping crackdown could fuel rise in smokers – Rishi Sunak To Ban Cigarettes for Brits – How Will UK “Smokefree Generation” Law Affect Vapers? – Cutting Through …

Vapers Digest 6th October Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: 2022 – NNA End of Year Review ~ Ten New Year’s Resolutions for Tobacco Control ~ The Biggest Tobacco Harm Reduction Battles to Come in 2023 ~ The Compassion Club: A new proposal for transformation …

Vapers Digest 4th January Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The smearing of a tobacco scientist ~ THE NAGGING & BEGGING CONTINUE ~ Adult smoking habits in the UK: 2021 ~ Lowest proportion of UK smokers on record with vaping playing ‘major role’ in drop ~ Number of …

Vapers Digest 7th December Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: We need help, but not yours ~ Antismokers want you dead ~ ‘Public health’ groups want you to die for their dogma ~ New online smoking clinic offers prescriptions for vaping ~ New online smoking …

Vaping Digest April 1st Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- New beginnings and old debates – US vapers face a new wave of bans – That teen vaping epidemic – Mysterious vaping illness – latest – A False Connection Between E-Cigs and Heart Attacks – Here We Go Again – NNA ‘Labours’ For Vapers – How Safe Is The BBC? – Irish Flavour Ban Proposal – VTA’s 11 Steps – Epidemic of youth nicotine addiction? – Stoptober 2019 – Turkey to ban e-cigs – Africa missing out – CDC’s Communications – Vaping Illness Update – Vaping Panic – The FDA Plans To Ban Flavored E-Cigs – NY court blocks vaping ban – Altria launches Iqos  in US – Anti-smoking groups butt heads – Nothing but the truth? Not for Congress – THC Lung Illness Patient Speaks Out – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- More noise from the FDA emboldens state lawmakers – Harry’s blog 80: Not flavour of the month – Burning Sub-Ohm – The FDA hearing that wasn’t – Behind the scenes at one of New Zealand’s top vaping factories – Vaping In The News – January 19th – Harm Minimization and Tobacco Control – E-cigarettes could be banned in US – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Stupid is as Stupid Does – Dundee City Council take heavy handed action against smokers and vapers – Autumn advocacy, NNA October newsletter – IBVTA welcomes recognition of vape shops – E-cigarettes Save Lives, One Man’s Proof – CBD: the next big opportunity? – Vaping and e-cigs are safer than smoking  – Trade Associations Attack WHO – Metal emissions from e-cigarettes:  – Some thoughts on smoking, vaping and individual freedom – Axe Falls At Altria – Truth’s JUUL Study: Deception and Confusion – Juuling is the lesser of two evils – Has The FDA Softened – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Tobacco Control Discussions Cannot Ignore Harm Reduction Products ~ Reflections on a decade of editing Tobacco Control ~ It shouldn’t matter who makes safer products ~ Treating E-Cigs as Traditional Cigarettes Could Lead to Misguided Research …

Vapers Digest October 24th Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EU Tries Again – The WHO’s immortality delusion – Everything you need to know about the FCTC COP8 junket – FDA Ignores Improving Health with E-cigarettes – Updated Government Guidance – Goniewicz Lies With Logs – Georgia County Will Prosecute Teen Vapers – The FDA May Ban Online Sales of E-Cigarettes – How does dual use of e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes change over time? – Is Vaping Just a Short-term Fad? – Dick Durbin Argues – Juul under growing FDA scrutiny – Why TN must reverse ban on e-cigarettes – Hempstead Town Board targets vaping – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Popcorn Time: Australia Is Wobbling On E-Cigs – Why are we giving the WHO so much cash? – Studying Flavours – The Real Cost? $60 Million and More Dead Smokers – “Epidemic?” A Perspective of Youth Vaping & Tobacco Use Trends – Something Stinks in Gottlieb’s Toilet Campaign – One person quits smoking every 80 seconds in England – ‘Don’t go cold turkey’ to quit smoking – Vaping is Tobacco Control – GTNF18 – Tamil Nadu’s Criminal Vapers – Chicago could double taxes on vape-ware – Palatine Approves Ban On E-Cigarettes – E-Cig ban submitted to Romanian Senate – E-Cig ban flies in the face of evidence – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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