Tag: Iceland

Wednesday’s News at a glance: Fixing U.S. vape regulation – twelve proposals – Nicotine is Not the Problem – IBVTA Presents a 6 Point Manifesto – EU Elections Warning Issued – Flavoured vape bans have led to MORE teen smoking …

Vapers Digest 12th June Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Can vapers trust Big Tobacco? – Blackpool MPs new call to tackle smoking – China Set to Prohibit Sales – Smokers Rush to Stock Flavored E-cigs – Ideological Aversion to Harm Reduction – Despite Bloomberg’s Billions Fooling You – NHS Still Failing on VBA Training – 82 Million Vapers – Oz Must Embrace Vaping – Findings From Scottish Prisons – Don’t Ban Synthetic Nicotine – FDA Has 120 Days to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine – Who Will Be the First Person To Go to Prison? – US Smoking Hits Record Lows – Protected by the SRNT Bubble – Vape Keeps Beating the Odds – Let’s be scientific, not ideological – Vaping flavour bans – South Africa flirts with e-cig tax – Tobacco harm reduction critical – Four Basic Consumer Rights Not Respected – COP9: Philanthropic Funding or Manipulation? – Vaping Advocates Launch Series – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- VBI Addresses Potential Bans – Nicotine Products to Be Banned in Schools – Shenzhen Locked Down – 10 things you need to know – What Does the Synthetic Nicotine Law Mean? – Bill gives FDA oversight over synthetic nicotine – The Advocates Voice – Episode 2 – Regulator sends smoke signals – Cigarette smoking and the pandemic – Government ticks all the wrong tobacco boxes – Public health experts affirm vaping can improve public health – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- New beginnings and old debates – US vapers face a new wave of bans – That teen vaping epidemic – Mysterious vaping illness – latest – A False Connection Between E-Cigs and Heart Attacks – Here We Go Again – NNA ‘Labours’ For Vapers – How Safe Is The BBC? – Irish Flavour Ban Proposal – VTA’s 11 Steps – Epidemic of youth nicotine addiction? – Stoptober 2019 – Turkey to ban e-cigs – Africa missing out – CDC’s Communications – Vaping Illness Update – Vaping Panic – The FDA Plans To Ban Flavored E-Cigs – NY court blocks vaping ban – Altria launches Iqos  in US – Anti-smoking groups butt heads – Nothing but the truth? Not for Congress – THC Lung Illness Patient Speaks Out – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Keep Smoking Tobacco, Says Finland – Vape Article Journo In A Pickle – Tobacco control plan: 2017 to 2022 – IBVTA launch new report – San Francisco Flavor Ban Will Be the First of Many – How Low Will They Go? – Some Accidental Truth-Telling – FDA Aims at Wrong Target – Comment to the U.S. FDA – Nicotine et réduction des risques – Plain packaging is plain stupid – Inconsistent and erratic regulators – Where Are All the Teen Juulers? – AVI urges govt to regulate e-cigarette – Fog of war – Previously Proposed Vape Bill Back On The Table – ‘Real‐world’ compensatory behaviour – The 10 Types of Anti-Vaper – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: The Staggering Hypocrisy Of ASH – ASH survey, an early indication of the harm of the TPD – U.S. E-cigarette Summit Survival Guide – FDA e-cig ban under fire from all sides – Puffing fresh smoke rings on vaping – Judicial Watch Sues over Records – An open letter to the New York Times – John Britton speaks in Canada – Iceland’s Own Vaporware – E-cigarettes get help from Trump – Cole-Bishop HR 1136 Update – Tobacco giant ‘selling illegally’ online – ASA blows smokes on Twisp vaping claim – Vaping In The News – Nicotine in the News – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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