Tag: Maria Chaplia

Wednesday’s News at a glance: Tobacco Harm Reduction And Nicotine Perceptions ~ Smokefree impact of removing nicotine ‘massively overestimated’ ~ Why I’m cheering for the tobacco smugglers ~ Fresh report slams Khan review, renews calls for UK to legalise snus …

Vapers Digest 9th November Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Can vapers trust Big Tobacco? – Blackpool MPs new call to tackle smoking – China Set to Prohibit Sales – Smokers Rush to Stock Flavored E-cigs – Ideological Aversion to Harm Reduction – Despite Bloomberg’s Billions Fooling You – NHS Still Failing on VBA Training – 82 Million Vapers – Oz Must Embrace Vaping – Findings From Scottish Prisons – Don’t Ban Synthetic Nicotine – FDA Has 120 Days to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine – Who Will Be the First Person To Go to Prison? – US Smoking Hits Record Lows – Protected by the SRNT Bubble – Vape Keeps Beating the Odds – Let’s be scientific, not ideological – Vaping flavour bans – South Africa flirts with e-cig tax – Tobacco harm reduction critical – Four Basic Consumer Rights Not Respected – COP9: Philanthropic Funding or Manipulation? – Vaping Advocates Launch Series – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA January news roundup – Tobacco control strategy for Wales and delivery plan – Vapers welcome recognition of vaping in new stop smoking guidelines – Three quarters of Dutch e-cigarette users would still smoke without the e-cigarette – WVA Responds To Funding Questions – Youth vaping. The other side of the story – Bloomberg Refuses Proposed Discussion – Biden’s FDA Nominee – Halo Granted Exemption – House leaders see vape bill ending widespread use of cigarettes in PH – THR: That Africa is not left behind – South Africa Should Embrace, Not Tax, Vaping – Israel: Nightmare Vape Tax Finalized by Knesset – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- FDA Has Now Issued PMTA Denials to 168 Vape Companies – Vaping Products, All of Them Are Now ‘Subject to Enforcement Action’ – CVA Responds to Flavour Ban Proposal – Tobacco control experts lament ‘unbalanced’ debate – New Smoking Pandemic Lurking – The FDA’s Anti-competitive E-Cigarette Restrictions – FDA Leaves U.S. Vaping Industry Mired in Chaos – FDA delays decision on e-cigarettes – Democrats To Slug Poorest Americans With Tax Hikes – Bill prohibits use of vapes in areas frequented by minors – Don’t Rush FDA’s Vaping Products Review – What Does The TGA Think It’s Doing? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA EU Nicotine Users Survey – Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids VP – WHO Decides THR Talks Can Wait Until 2023 – Why the WHO is wrong about vaping – Asia-Pacific panel to scrutinize WHO’s latest tobacco report – The tainted science of Stanton Glantz – Nicotine Toothpicks Are a Bigger Story Than We Thought – Another Glantz Debunking – Virtual Hilarity – Otago’s Mixed Messages – Fewer than quarter of Scots want restrictions – Successful countering of tobacco industry efforts to overturn Thailand’s ENDS ban – Ukraine Poised to Pass an Anti-Vaping Law – Misinformation, attacks from NGOs – Breath clouds, heat plumes, and nefarious NGOs – Misinformation Threatens Efforts to Reduce Tobacco Harm – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA letter to Dutch members of parliament – IBVTA writes to local authorities – Bloomberg’s dark money – Why the Dutch vaping flavour ban won’t drive down underage smoking rates – Historic Pinoy Victory For Vaping – San Francisco’s Vape Flavor Ban Saw More Teens Start Smoking – Maine Should Learn From Massachusetts – Local authority wants smoking bans outside pubs – Ukraine: The war on e-cigarettes is absurd – Harm reduction month: vaping and public health – E-cigs seen as inclusive harm reduction strategy – Health expert says smoke, not nicotine, causes deaths – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The Netherlands is proposing to ban e-cigarette flavours – Policing the COPs – Vaping and Tobacco Harm Reduction with Clive Bates – A consultation on the TRPR 2016 – Dutch vapers strike again in a protest – Juul Study Looks Into Dependence and Use – Italy’s budget brings in new taxes – FDA Seizures – European Cancer Plan Threat – Malarkey in Manilla – Dutch Vapers – A Light In The Dark – Chicago Crackdown – WHO asked to stop peddling lies – Bloomberg faces mounting pressure – Danger & Delusion | Is Tobacco Control Out of Control? – PMTA Included in White House Rules Freeze – Maryland’s Proposed Death Sentence – Experts Say ‘Fight Smoking, Not Nicotine’ – Vaping is the gateway out of smoking – Are You Among The Misinformed? – Targeted health messaging needed – Access to safer nicotine products in Africa more vital than ever – Unambiguous Investor Support for THR – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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