Tag: Synthetic Nicotine

Friday’s News at a glance:- Have your say – Smoke-free environments – Should vape retailers be licensed? – The EU’s Bizarre Plan to Beat Cancer – Public Health’s Misinformation Against Vaping – FDA and Synthetic Nicotine: All You Need to Know – FDA Begins Enforcement Over Synthetic Nicotine Vapes – Ride4Vape – Stop Beating On Vapers – AVMA Calls For Investigation – Hawaii Governor Vetoes Flavor Prohibition – Teachers ‘hid in toilet cubicles’ – Don’t Get Sucked In By Website’s Vaping Claims – Differentiate vape from tobacco when developing new policy – Mere possession of an e-cig ‘won’t mean jail’ – GFN News Episode #10 – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA March news roundup – Scotland Mounts Pressure on Independent Vape Stores – ‘A sad day for UK smokers’: snus ignored – Philip Morris Limited invests in vape retailers – Get Involved! – WVA: Flavours Matter – Vapes On A Plane? What a Riot! – Vape Companies Fundraising For War Victims – 2 Million Years of Life – Pitiful Quality of Highly Cited Vaping Studies – Australian psychiatrists reaffirm support – Colorado’s proposed flavored tobacco ban – CTP Deputy Will Serve as Acting Director – Major Milestones – What is Pharmaceutical Grade Synthetic Nicotine? – March 2022 with Dr Ailsa Butler – GFN News Episode #3 – Science & Policy of THR in Taiwan – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Can vapers trust Big Tobacco? – Blackpool MPs new call to tackle smoking – China Set to Prohibit Sales – Smokers Rush to Stock Flavored E-cigs – Ideological Aversion to Harm Reduction – Despite Bloomberg’s Billions Fooling You – NHS Still Failing on VBA Training – 82 Million Vapers – Oz Must Embrace Vaping – Findings From Scottish Prisons – Don’t Ban Synthetic Nicotine – FDA Has 120 Days to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine – Who Will Be the First Person To Go to Prison? – US Smoking Hits Record Lows – Protected by the SRNT Bubble – Vape Keeps Beating the Odds – Let’s be scientific, not ideological – Vaping flavour bans – South Africa flirts with e-cig tax – Tobacco harm reduction critical – Four Basic Consumer Rights Not Respected – COP9: Philanthropic Funding or Manipulation? – Vaping Advocates Launch Series – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- VBI Addresses Potential Bans – Nicotine Products to Be Banned in Schools – Shenzhen Locked Down – 10 things you need to know – What Does the Synthetic Nicotine Law Mean? – Bill gives FDA oversight over synthetic nicotine – The Advocates Voice – Episode 2 – Regulator sends smoke signals – Cigarette smoking and the pandemic – Government ticks all the wrong tobacco boxes – Public health experts affirm vaping can improve public health – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The gateway effect myth that will never die – 82 million vapers worldwide in 2021 – No Smoking Day – Time to try something more innovative – Government urged to cut VAT to 5% – ‘Ban smoking for good’ campaign – The NNA’s Top 20 – IBVTA Issues Warning – Confidence Up In USA – Strip Search District Superintendent Charged – UKVIA Calls For Scottish Rethink – Parliament – 2021 CDC Survey – Why Can’t the CDC Tell the Truth – Massachusetts Public Health Boasts – Industry bodies respond to Scottish plans – French Experts Call for Tobacco Policy Rethink – New Federal Spending Plan – Harm Reduction Approach Needed – Kenyans Yeaning For Safer Alternative – National Consumer Protection Week – Provinces Could Have Final Say – Canada’s Vape Gag Law Must Go! – Congress wants to sneak in an effective ban – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Scottish consultation on e-cigarette advertising – The NNA responds – San Diego VA Physician Promotes Unsupported Fear – Sweden Introduces Bill to Prohibit Flavored Vapes – National Tobacco Strategy is set to fail…again! – Survey Proves No Teen Risk – Dodgy Darlo Dealings – NNA Responds To Scottish consultation – GFN•TV – UKVIA Supports Homeless Shelter – Bills to Ban Synthetic Nicotine by Stealth – Vaping on NHS backed by more than a third – What science should we be following? – Watch Your Mouth – Hiding vapes from view won’t help to prevent smoking – Vape bill to strengthen flavor ban – Teen Vaping: What We Get Wrong – Vaping could be key – Cigarette smoking back in vogue – The changing tobacco epidemic – Clearing the haze: – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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