Tag: CDC

Friday’s News at a glance: YouGov Assesses Support for Bans – Deadly Canada Ban Defies Science – Australian Vape Depression Claim – US Teen Rates Continue To Fall – Tasmanian Devils – Flavoured vapes best at reducing smoking – Vape …

Vapers Digest 20th September Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: Mexican Warning – UKVIA Welcomes Licensing Proposals – New protocol aims to investigate the impact of different pattern of ENDS use on respiratory effects – Sweden leads Europe in reducing smoking – New Paper Analyses Nicotine …

Vapers Digest 9th September Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: Disposable vapes ban ‘would cost lives’ – Disposable vapes could still be available to smokers through NHS – Is US teen nicotine use increasing? – No “Epidemic” – Time to quit the harmful narratives around vaping …

Vapers Digest 18th September Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- NNA writes to the Health and Social Care Committee – Astounding Smoking & Vaping Statistics in New CDC Data – Smoke-free Sweden ‘unlikely’ in 2023 – Global Forum on Nicotine Remains Crucial – FDA Receives Expert Letter – GFN23: Day 3 & 4 – Follow The Science – Talking rot – attention-seeking headings that fail – Anti-tobacco advocate says vapes an overall positive – Anti-smoker bill ignores science – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA May News roundup – Advocating For Vaping – Sweden shows less harmful alternatives – Tobacco Control fails to control tobacco – Youth Vaping Down in Illinois – Mental Health Awareness? – Harm Reduction Is Vital – Biden Will Name Mandy Cohen – Industry Responds To Government Action – A New Underground Market in E‑Cigarettes – Science and Data Falls on Deaf Ears – Flawed ICMR paper on vaping – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Hands off our Elf Bars! – How To Fix The Disposable Vape Problems – What are nicotine pouches? – U.S. House of Representatives Holds FDA Accountable – CDC Still Needs To Get It Right – Taiwan Plan to Ban – Belgium adopts prohibionist position – Public consultation accused of containing political propaganda – Finland’s THR Headache – State Health Dept Seems to be Hiding Data – Idaho Public Television and State Health Officials Lie – Ex-FDA Tobacco Head Advising Company – Will New Bloomberg Funds Spread Vape Bans – Is e-cigarette use in adolescents – Vape liquids to be taxed – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- My application for Editor-in-Chief of Tobacco Control – Teen vaping has eliminated teen smoking – FDA ignores independent review of vaping – The CDC’s Peddling of Misinformation – NNA Reviews A Successful Year – Disposables Set For Controls – Free Vapes For Pregnant Women – Parliament and Politics – In Silico review – Call for Nicotine “Common Language” Falls Flat – Taiwan Bans Vape Sales – A new vision for vaping policy in the UK – ‘Misguided’ French fears – E-Cig Opponents Are Science Deniers – Australian vapers call on Federal Government – Researcher Stories: E-cigarettes – Why Adopting Harm Reduction Policies for Africa is Crucial – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Medical Journal Retracts a 2022 Study That Linked Vaping to Cancer – INNCO calls on Journalists to Spread the Truth – 7 Big Themes in Vaping for 2023 – CDC’s Peddling of Misinformation – Spread the Truth – White Paper Attacks Youth Disinformation – THR Is a Universal Human Right – Ohio Governor Vetoes Preemption Bill – Smoking Cessation “Care Package” Draws Fire – Pondering Prohibition – Report urges FDA to be more proactive – Proposals Must Not Hit Smokers – Latest webinar in Sweden – As cigarette smoking declines, cannabis rises – Consider alternatives for existing smokers – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Dutch Danger – Global State of THR: ecig an unprecedented revolution – 2022 – Spring Has Sprung – 2022 – The First Quarter – California’s Vape Flavor Ban Begins – Cigarette Use At Record Lows …

Vapers Digest 23rd December Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance:- The NNA welcomes calls for proportionate regulation of nicotine pouches – Brussels to propose rise in cigarette taxes and first EU-wide vaping levy – Increasing the price of vaping – Vaping Won’t Work If Nicotine Is Attacked – Who Would Win the Anti-Smoking World Cup? – Ban On Harmful Products – What is holding Canada back? – WHO renames Monkeypox, CDC does not rename EVALI – A middle-ground approach for smokers – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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