Tag: Tasmania

Friday’s News at a glance: ETHRA September news roundup – NNA writes to the House of Commons Library – Cochrane Updates The Evidence – Flavour Ban for Ireland – EU Making a Disastrous Mistake – Sweden is Way Ahead – …

Vapers Digest 4th October Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: YouGov Assesses Support for Bans – Deadly Canada Ban Defies Science – Australian Vape Depression Claim – US Teen Rates Continue To Fall – Tasmanian Devils – Flavoured vapes best at reducing smoking – Vape …

Vapers Digest 20th September Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: The Case (Study) For Flavours – Vaping Needs To Be Boring – WVA on the BMA – NZ Attracts Global Criticism – UK vows to clamp down on ‘scourge of vaping’ – Vapes Among Top …

Vapers Digest 6th September Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Vaping Has “Substantial Potential” – Australia Burns – A new low in anti-vape scaremongering – Further Evidence That CDC’s National Youth Tobacco Survey Exaggerates Teen Vaping Rates – WHO Prioritizes Youth Who Don’t Smoke Over …

Vapers Digest 23rd February Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The government’s review of vaping regulations  – Why Do High Schoolers Vape? – Canada Proposes Brutal Federal Vape Tax – Thailand Will Reconfirm Vape Prohibition – Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Umfrage des BVRA – Flawed report on vaping will harm public health – Research Finds No Gateway Risk – Top Doc Slams Ecig Knockers – Tell Rees-Mogg What You Think – Smoke-free England Parliamentary Debate – FSFW Welcoming Research Submissions – VApril Survey – Parliament – Vape Company at the Center of the FDA Storm – EU rules dampen Danish government plan – Cigarette Sales Surge After Vape Bans – No new licence applications for e-cigarettes – Insights from Harm Reduction Forum – Market share gap keeps shrinking – BAT youth access prevention campaign – FDA Issues Marketing Denial Orders – Altria working on new, alternative nicotine products – CEI Joins Coalition – Tasmanian Small Business Council suggest trial – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Anchorage Absurdity – China: Most E-Cigarette Users Are Former Smokers – Something new is needed to cut Tasmania’s smoking rates – Has government dropped the ball on Smokefree 2025? – On vaping, choice and responsibility – Despite Evidence to The Contrary Australian Study Reiterates Flawed “Gateway Theory” – The War on Vaping – Nicotine vaping helping more smokers in UK kick habit – Reject Additional Online Sales Restrictions – Vaping most effective way to quit smoking – Health warnings for vapes should be different – Burning issues around tobacco value addition – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Visiting expert encourages Australian smokers to switch to vaping – Take all extreme scientific claims with a pinch of salt – More Vaper Insights – Making a call on passive vaping – Evolution & Growth – Vaping draws fire in war on smoking – E-cigarettes included in Phuket beach smoking ban – Final action expected on e-cigarette ban – New laws for electronic cigarettes – MOH’s adverseness against alternative tobacco products is “religious” in nature – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: Snus and the EU – Banning is easier than explaining – Bullshit Asymmetry Principle – It’s not taxing – Clearing the air around e-cigarettes – IBVTA Launches New Business Support Package – INNCO react to overzealous measures against Ecigs – Dealing with tobacco control liars: – Battery Safety – Making Peace With Power – Vaping Industry Renewed Hope – The FDA’s War on Vaping Will Cost Millions of Lives – Let them vape – Youth vaping not a gateway to cigarettes – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Monday, 23 January 2017

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Thursday’s News at a glance: It’s been great, mech mods, but it’s time to say goodbye – Health debates must include consumers – VAEP Fundraiser – Health Guidance in an Age of Low Public Trust – Nurses Get Into the Act – GFN 2017 Programme – New Vape Tax in Budget Request – Clearing the air around e-cigarettes – New e-cig laws will make me a criminal – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Thursday, 19 January 2017

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Wednesdays News at a glance: US Surgeon General’s #StoryForChange becomes a #StoryForNothing or does it? – “A decision to ban electronic cigarettes will represent nothing more than a great opportunity missed”: letter to hong Kong officials – Why is there anti-THR? (2) “Not Invented Here” syndrome – E-Cigarettes “Currently Used” by 4.2% of Men and 3.4% of Women in 2014, as Smoking Declined – The Tobacco Lobby Contributes to Renzi, and Then Gets a Tax Discount – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest

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