Author: Admin

Friday’s News at a glance: Ban Call Highlights Expert Error – Let’s Talk E-cigarettes – ASA Rules on Apollo Vapes – Does Where You Buy Matter? – German Approach Failing – Here are the options the government is considering for …

Vapers Digest 26th July Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: NHS Reveals Vape Data – The ACS and WVA Respond to the King’s Speech – Over-restriction of vape flavours could set Scotland’s health agenda back – How Teen Vaping Data is Reported to Create Fear – …

Vapers Digest 22nd July Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: The genius of Michael Russell – more right than ever – Tough on smoking, tough on alternatives to smoking – Adult Smoking and Vaping Trends – Action on Smoking and Health’s Speech Take – King’s …

Vapers Digest 19th July Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: NNA Urges New Health Secretary To Consider Adults In Vaping Policy – Do Flavour Restrictions On Vapes Impact Smoking Or Youth Vaping Rates? – Richard Pruen & Kiran Sidhu Discuss Mental Health & Smoking Cessation – …

Vapers Digest 15th July Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: NNA writes to Labour Health Secretary – Labour urged to revive vape bill – Scottish Government Confirms Ban – The Impact of the New Jersey Flavour Ban – Riot Sends Boris To Westminster – Flavour …

Vapers Digest 12th July Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: New Government for Vaping – The Harm Reduction Role of High-Nicotine Vaping – Free from smoking but not free to buy the products that got me here – Why Australia’s new vaping regulations are certain to …

Vapers Digest 8th July Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Misconceptions about THR abound – Sweden’s Harm Reduction Success – Dr Cox Knocks Oz Legal Blocks – Australia’s Dog’s Dinner – Fancy 7 Years in Jail? – Ad Authority Rules Against JAC Vapour – Warsaw’s …

Vapers Digest 5th July Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: ETHRA June news roundup – Potential EU Flavour Ban? – CAPHRA Calls for Honest Debate – Totally Wicked Blackburn Sponsorship Ends – New vape regulations start today – “The ends do not justify the means” – …

Vapers Digest 1st July Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: UK Political Parties Stance On Vaping – EU Ministers, Failing on Smoking Cessation, Weigh Vape Flavor Ban – Disposable Lives – Reluctant Quitters – New Zealand is Quitting Strong – High Nic Popularity – Sweden …

Vapers Digest 28th June Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: GFN 2024 Videos Now Online – Licence to Kill (the Black Market) – Butler’s backflip. Still a disaster and bound to fail – Australia waters down world-first vape laws – Swedish Riksdag Lower Snus Tax by …

Vapers Digest 24th June Read More »

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