Tag: Skip Murray

      Wednesday’s News at a glance: New Deputy Chief Exec for ASH ~ GATES Files Amicus Brief ~ HNB Performance Shows Consumer Shift ~ Senseless Singapore ~ It is time for the all-things nicotine peace talks! ~ Why Tasmanian …

Vapers Digest 25th September Read More »

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      Wednesday’s News at a glance: Give the people what they want in heated products – as long as that’s not banned ~ Share your story… ~ Executive Director of Vapor Technology Association: The ‘Center for Tobacco Products …

Vapers Digest 18th September Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Government Plans On Extending Ban – Back To Parliament – Top 3 Methods to Quit Smoking Published – WVA Speaks Up on Rates and Bans – Another day, another alarmist and misleading study – Voices …

Vapers Digest 13th September Read More »

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      Wednesday’s News at a glance: Global Action to End Smoking Files Amicus Brief with U.S. Supreme Court Seeking FDA’s Proper Application of Public Health Standard ~ Finland plans to raise tax on tobacco products but not vapes …

Vapers Digest 4th September Read More »

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      Wednesday’s News at a glance: Tobacco Harm Reduction Opponents Should “Consider the Counterfactual” ~ Countdown to failure of pharmacy vape scheme ~ Disapproval as the default ~ Canada Forces Nicotine Pouches Behind the Counter ~ Canadian Health …

Vapers Digest 28th August Read More »

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      Wednesday’s News at a glance: On nicotine, the European Commission’s selective transparency is causing flawed policy ~ New Data Show that E-Cigarettes are Saving Lives and Debunk Claims by Opponents that Vaping is a Gateway to Smoking …

Vapers Digest 21st August Read More »

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  Wednesday’s News at a glance: Cigarette Smoking Rate in U.S. Ties 80-Year Low ~ Nurse hails hospital quit scheme after vape switch ~ In My Vape Shop, I Learned How the VA Lets Veterans Down ~ In loving memory …

Vapers Digest 14th August Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Can vaping help your smoking patients quit ~ WHO’s New Tobacco Guidelines Prioritize Ideology Over Public Health ~ New Zealand to be declared ‘smoke-free’ – thanks to vaping ~ Teen Vaping – An ASH Fact …

Vapers Digest 7th August Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: New Government for Vaping – The Harm Reduction Role of High-Nicotine Vaping – Free from smoking but not free to buy the products that got me here – Why Australia’s new vaping regulations are certain to …

Vapers Digest 8th July Read More »

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  Wednesday’s News at a glance: National Harm Reduction Coalition to Work on Smoking Cessation ~ Dialogue Still Needed For Meaningful Embracing Of Harm Reduction ~ The European Commission just buried its own smoking data. Why? ~ Ban on Retail …

Vapers Digest 3rd July Read More »

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