Tag: EuReporter

Wednesday’s News at a glance: How effective are medications and e-cigarettes for quitting smoking, and what works best? ~ How e-cigarette or nicotine replacement therapy influences smoking cessation later in pregnancy ~ How dangerous is vaping – and why the …

Vapers Digest 13th September Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Taking Stock | Royal College of Physicians on Vape Debate ~ Vaping restrictions signal turbulent markets in Quebec ~ What does the evidence say about youth vaping? – study ~ The Queensland government sinks to …

Vapers Digest 31st May Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: It’s Time to Reform Vaping Laws Through a “Harm Reduction Lens” ~ PH can learn from Japan’s drastic smoking rate decline after heated tobacco introduction ~ Expert reaction to study suggesting a link between concurrent …

Vapers Digest 19th April Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Bloomberg’s huge harm-reduction hypocrisy: Compare his approach to narcotics and cigarettes ~ Majority of young adults and adolescents in the United States are using cannabis instead of nicotine, study shows ~ Superintendent charged after students …

Vapers Digest 2nd March Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The thirdhand smoke grift – Focusing on recent publication of Gaiha et al – India: Vapers Will Protest Ban on Sept. 18th Anniversary – More Than 80% of Doctors Think Nicotine Causes Cancer – The veto was the right call: Gov. DeSantis and SB 810 – Backing #Vaping to beat #Cancer – Teens Turning Away From Vaping – Chicago Makes A Song And Dance – Danish Cancer Society Supports Cancer Sticks – Webinar: The Revision of the EU TPD – Voices4Vape Webinar – Lung Foundation Australia continues to mislead the public about vaping – Why Greg Hunt’s plan to ban nicotine imports and medicalise vaping will not work – The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine – Snus Revolution #3 is out – Smokers increasingly using e-cigarettes to quit – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Heat Not Burn Products – The New Nicotine Alliance Steps Into The Debate – Unpopular Opinion – An uncivil war -Wikipedia – encyclopaedic or idiotic?  – Towards a Smokefree England – Crusade Against Vaping And Juuling Continues – Pressure Group’s Addiction Problem – Study Of Vapers May Change Policy – Crackdown on e-cigarettes coming – ECigarettes are less harmful than tobacco – Youth e-cig ban nears Alaska House vote – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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