Tag: New Zealand

Friday’s News at a glance: UK Political Parties Stance On Vaping – EU Ministers, Failing on Smoking Cessation, Weigh Vape Flavor Ban – Disposable Lives – Reluctant Quitters – New Zealand is Quitting Strong – High Nic Popularity – Sweden …

Vapers Digest 28th June Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: GFN 2024 Videos Now Online – Licence to Kill (the Black Market) – Butler’s backflip. Still a disaster and bound to fail – Australia waters down world-first vape laws – Swedish Riksdag Lower Snus Tax by …

Vapers Digest 24th June Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Restricting flavoured vapes could harm smoking cessation efforts – Vape ban to cost Scotland ‘billions’ in lost revenue – Sunak would Deliver “Murder and Mayhem” – Glover Report Released at GFN – Euro 24 Warning …

Vapers Digest 14th June Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Vaping and heart attacks – British Advocates Slam Plans to Tax Vapes – FDA Creates, Decries Illegal E-Cigarette Tsunami – Kick-off meeting of MAGNIFICAT, the new CoEHAR project – European Parliament Endorses Smoking Cessation Tool …

Vapers Digest 12th January Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: Australia’s vaping train wreck – The latest regulations on vaping in Australia – Vape funding allocation to help smokers quit – Wigan Council part of national ‘swap-to-stop’ campaign to stop smoking – Pregnant Adolescents Switch To …

Vapers Digest 8th January Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: New Zealand’s tobacco endgame U-turn – a reversal or an advance? – #COP10 Catch Up – The Real Reason Why FCTC COP10 Was Postponed? – CAPHRA Repeats Call For Transparency – Mexico’s Supreme Court declares ban …

Vapers Digest 11th December Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: French Plans Will Push People To Smoke – Smoke Free Sweden Welcomes Gateway Report – Speak Up To Save Vape Flavours In The UK!! – Sweden’s Experience And Lessons For Africa – French vapers say …

Vapers Digest 24th November Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Disposable vapes and the race to prohibition – A Vapid Solution – First, tell the truth – Are vapes 95% safer than smoking? – New Back Vaping Save Lives Campaign Video! – Switching to vaping …

Vapers Digest 29th September Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Sweden Reduces Tax on Snus by 20% – Finland’s Proposal on Nicotine Pouches: ‘A Step Forward’ – Expert Reaction – FDA Decries Vape Misinformation – FDA’s New Target – CAPHRA Emphasises ‘Lived Experience’ – Global Pouch Initiative Launched – US Flavour Fail – Australia Still Silencing Vape Advocacy – Doctor Survey Discussed – Number of young Londoners smoking halves – Looking into nicotine – Esco Bar Manufacturer Challenges FDA – Tobacco policy in New York – California’s tobacco flavor ban backfires – Party Time – A call for pragmatism – High Court rejects bid – Is vaping worse than smoking ?

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Monday’s News at a glance: South Africa’s self-harming anti-vaping legislation – CoEHAR Concerned About South African Bill – France to ban disposable e-cigarettes – Standing for harm reduction: The EU‘s duty to smokers worldwide – Is vaping creating a “whole new …

Vapers Digest 4th September Read More »

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