Tag: Dr Marewa Glover

Friday’s News at a glance: ETHRA letter to the Council of the European Union – ASH ORG UK :- Policy Leaders or Followers? – UK Vape Bans: What, When & Why – Sharp rise in use of high-strength vapes – …

Vapers Digest 21st June Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- NNA writes to the Secretary of State for Health – Coffey should promote healthier alternatives – How did e-cigarettes and vaping get so popular? – German Institute: Pouches Safer Than Smoking – The FCTC is no longer fit for purpose – e-Cigarette Summit 2022 – Back Vaping, Beat Smoking – Postponing Malaysia – BAT Calls for Collaboration – CDC Continues To Spout Youth Vaping Epidemic – Political Strength of Vapers – Pennsylvania Young Adult Smoking Rates At Epic Lows – The Swift Half with Snowdon ft. Dr Marewa Glover – Michael Bloomberg is bankrolling California’s Prop. 31 – Doctors discuss tobacco addiction – The CDC’s Agenda on Vaping Data – Tax Fears

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Illegal Sales Raids – ASH brief for local authorities on youth vaping – FDA and (Lack of) Access to Tobacco Harm Reduction – The FDA’s Anti-Tobacco Crusade is Foolish and Un-American – Filipino Green Light For Vaping – A Massive Wake-up Call – International harm reduction experts – Is Youth Smoking Over? with Dr. Marewa Glover – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- CoEHAR study on ecig flavored liquids – Vaping needs a balanced scientific debate – New research shows snus helps smokers quit – Banning all flavored tobacco doesn’t work – Derek Yach on TR’s Special Innovation Issue – Teen vaping has eliminated teen smoking – IEA Discussion Paper Released – Study Oz Success – Irish Vapers Surveyed – ASA’s Work Update – Pregnancy Research – Vape Shop Ambassadors – Parliament – Vape Flavour Bans – ETHRA European Nicotine Users Survey 2020 – More Doctors Recommending Vapes – Court Orders FDA to Report PMTA Review Progress – CPSC’s Comical Vape Safety Campaign – VLN Cigarettes Test-Marketed in Chicago – Critique of Zeller’s Tenure – American Legislatures Supporting The Cigarette Trade? – Risk-Based Legislation – Smoker rights groups rally – Why we don’t always get the science we need – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Charles Gardner: “Tobacco Harm Reduction needs to emphasize the beneficial effects of nicotine” ~ ‘Moral panic about vaping diverting from youth mental health’ – Dr Marewa Glover ~ Experts suggest tobacco harm reduction approach to …

Vapers Digest 7th July Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance:- The Global Forum on Nicotine – GFN Focuses on Harm Reduction – Foul Play in New Zealand – Two Federal Agencies Aimed at Protecting Persons, Two Different Approaches to Harm Reduction – Legalising snus – Nuances of the flavoured vaping debate explained – Health Canada abdicates its responsibility – E-cigs vs Covid: never mind the science – Wrong information deters smokers from switching – Africa: Can Tobacco Harm Reduction Make its Way Out of Controversy? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- European Harm Reduction Group Launches Manifesto on Behalf of Former Smokers – NZ Delay Call – Italian Study: E-Cigs Are Effective Tools to Decrease Tobacco Consumption – Zyn Boosts Swedish Match’s Second Quarter – Latest Australian data confirms failure of plain packaging – MP’s Smokefree Amendments Deserve Support – Draconian Australia Importation Ban – Kentucky’s About-Face on Tobacco Harm Reduction Could Prove Hazardous – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- British American Tobacco working on COVID-19 vaccine – Ban All Vapes During PMTA Delay – FDA Four-Month Delay Not Enough to Save E-Cigarette Industry – New York Bans Flavored Vaping Products – Vaping products should be labelled essential – Vaping sector ‘open for business’ – Govt Urged to Keep Vape Shops Open – Vape shop owners want to be considered essential – Shahab Urges Government To Change Policy – Open Irish Stores Plea – Big T’s COVID Response – West Knocks Media Coverage – Rushed Bill “Grossly unfair” – While a Real Epidemic Raged – Opinions About E-Cigs Remain Skewed – Switching from Smoking to Vaping – Vaping enthusiasts hold virtual rally – Encouraging Transformation – Vapers ask Centre to revise position on E-cigarettes – Pushing Through Prohibition In a Time of Pain – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- New report from Public Health England on vaping is welcome and timely – Harry’s blog 98: – PHE Update Vaping Evidence – Scaremongering Called Out – Lying Lung Foundation – Experts React to EVALI Correspondence – Parliamentary Questions – 8 things to know about e-cigarettes – Public misperceptions of vaping harm on the rise – America’s Vaping Panic Is Spreading To the U.K. – Vaping Is Safer Than Cigarettes – New 6-Year Study – Vaping bans are ineffective, experts report – Risks Of Smoking When Pregnant – Vaping is a gateway OUT OF smoking for young people – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Is vaping safe? – Landmark study identifies cardiovascular benefits – Switch to vaping ‘helps smokers’ hearts’ – Vaping In The News November 16th – American Heart Association Claims – Merseyrail bans smoking, vaping and e-cigarettes – Ad Study Analysed – No Gateway – Apple Removes Vaping Content – Philippines’ Health chief backs e-cigarette regulation – Vaping deaths: Are e-cigarettes really safer – Iowa attorney general stands up for e-cigs – Public health experts slam Government advice – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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