Tag: Stefanie Rossel

Monday’s News at a glance: Realists and Idealists – Don’t let the government poach your pouch – Snus: Hooked on Nicotine (Channel 4) – Spanish vapers protest flavour ban – WHO Hits Out At Vaping Again – World Vape Day Championed …

Vapers Digest 3rd June Read More »

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  Wednesday’s News at a glance: The war on vaping is a war on public health ~ Tobacco Harm Reduction Is A Life-Saving Policy, No Matter Who Promotes It ~ Thinking ’bout THR ~ What lies ahead for new nicotine …

Vapers Digest 3rd April Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Learning From the Past ~ Snus on the loose: How Swedish chewing tobacco keeps dividing Brussels ~ University of Maryland Doctor Tells Public He’s Not Sure Smoking is Any More Hazardous than Vaping ~ A …

Vapers Digest 2nd August Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The Pharmacology of Nicotine ~ Seeking Substitutes ~ One of the worst ever tobacco control papers is ‘corrected’ ~ Adult Smoking Rate Drops Again as Vaping Climbs ~ Fact check. The Health Minister’s claims on …

Vapers Digest 3rd May Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The Alternative Smoke-Free 2030 Plan ~ Responsive Policymaking For Achieving India’s Tobacco Control Goals ~ An Open Letter: SA smokers looking to quit will suffer if Parliament passes baseless regulations ~ INNCO: Weekly Issue ~ …

Vapers Digest 2nd November Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- New report heralds 4.3 million British vapers and a “vaping revolution” – ‘Record’ public response ahead of EU tobacco law revisions – Vaping Success In The UK – ASH resources for local authorities – NNA Welcomes Briefing – Is Banning Tobacco Legal? – Counterfeit Disposables – Adult Ecig Use in Great Britain – EU Commission Must Withstand Pressure – How to Save 100 Million Lives – Listening to Nicotine Users – A Curious Case – Cuts Ice in liquidation – MOPH discusses “e-cigarettes” – Higher e-cigarette taxes could push vapers to smoke – Vape industry urge MoH to halt raids on premises – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EU seeks to ban flavours in heated tobacco products – The FDA’s demonization of nicotine harms consumers – Belgian authorities strong support for vaping – The EU Commissions’ misguided attacks – Konstantinos Farsalinos faults WHO – FCTC Secretariat uses Australian propaganda – The UK Sets An Example – GFN Uploaded – FDA’s Juul ban threatens harm reduction progress – The FDA and Juul are fighting over a vape ban – All Hands on Deck – White House’s Omnishambles Tobacco Policy – School Official Who Searched Girls Resigns – Hawaii: Governor Ige Likely to Veto Vape Ban – An update on vaping and nicotine prescribing – Vaping Going Backwards Under New Aussie Government – Why nicotine is part of the solution – Scientific community focuses on THR – Dr Francesca Pesola – Tobacco harm reduction is here for good – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- NG209 NICE guidance – Transformers Versus Abolitionists – Vaping works in New Zealand – American Medical Association – Stop Smoking Start Vaping – Great Expectations – Work Survey Reveals Discrimination – Vapers’ Voices Heard In Brussels – The Nelson Thomlinson School – Yorkshire Cancer Research Welcomes NICE Guidance – Innokin’s “Why Smoke?” vaping campaign – World Vape Show London – Nice Work – Upstart e-cigarette makers push for NHS licences – China’s Decision to Regulate Vaping – Hva vil effekten av et smaksforbud på e-sigaretter være? – Are bans good public policy in India? – How will TPD3 deal with newly emerged products? – The WHO’s aversion to e-cigarettes – National Drug-User Union Emphasizes THR – Ottawa must listen to consumers – Denver shouldn’t ban flavored products – Justice Kavanaugh Asks FDA to Respond – UK E-Cig Summit Highlights U.S. Failure – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Clive Bates interview: Fighting for vape’s good name – Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: A Missed Opportunity – Vaping in New Zealand Versus Vaping in New Zealotsville -Japan cigarette sales plummet after launch of safer alternatives – Indiana Passes a Vaping Tax Without Public Input – The 6 Most Expensive Places to Vape – NNA Estonia Welcomes E-Liquid Tax Suspension – Venezuela Takes The Lead On Vaping – E-Cigarette Summit USA Plans Revealed – UKVIA Calls On Government To Act – Higher-Nicotine Vapes Seem Better – Biden Must “Listen to the Science” – Smoke-free or nicotine-free? – International governments intensify support – Philippines FDA urged to cut ties with anti-vaping foundations – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Europe’s Beating Cancer plan fails smokers – Europe’s Cancer Plan misses the mark – World-first research finds vaping likely to be less addictive than smoking – How the EU plans to expand the nanny state – Vaping is the gateway out of smoking – Mississippi Misses the Mark – Government Launches Consultation – You Don’t Know Nicotine – Tobacco Patent War May Lead to a U.S. Ban of IQOS – Chicago Accuses Online Vape Retailer of Underage Sales – Bloomberg’s Philanthro-Colonialism – The role of vaping nicotine in psychiatry practice – Potential revenue from taxing e-cigarettes – Wake-Up Call – Is Vaping A Social Justice Issue? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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