Vapers Digest 2nd August
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
E-cigarettes may be better than nicotine patches to help pregnant women
stop smoking, reduce the risk of low birthweight
Queen Mary, University of London, Medical Xpress
Smoking in pregnancy can harm developing babies, especially their growth. Current guidelines recommend that pregnant smokers who find quitting difficult should be provided with nicotine replacements products, and stop-smoking services usually recommend nicotine patches.
This research, published in Health Technology Assessment, suggests that pregnant women should also consider e-cigarettes.
Two From Dave Cross, Planet Of The Vapes
Vaping, vapes, and tobacco harm reduction were discussed during recent debates on the use of ecigs in schools and recycling. Questions were asked of the government by the Shadow DUP Spokesperson for Health and Conservative MP Matthew Offord. In the House of Commons, Labour’s George Howarth posed a question to the Department for Health.
Challenging the NZ Government
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is challenging the next New Zealand government to include consumer advocacy in its future discussions over tobacco harm reduction, according to the organisation’s Executive Coordinator, Nancy Loucas.

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