Tag: Robert West

Friday’s News at a glance:- The KAC Global Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarship Programme 2021 – Damage Done – As the PMTA Deadline Looms, the Vaping Industry Faces Potential Disaster – Why Vape Flavors Matter – Big Tobacco Is About to Dominate the E-Cig Industry – The Future of Tobacco – TPD 3 – Advertising and Youth – Heavy Metal – COVID Jackass – Vapers Vote! – Tobacco Harm Reduction (Part One) – Epidemic of youth nicotine addiction? – Responsible adults who vape should have access to flavors – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: UK Vapers May Face New Threats, as Public Health England is to be Dissolved ~ Vaping Group Calls for Continued Pragmatism ~ Vaping rates not associated with outbreaks of lung injury, study finds ~ Epidemic …

Vaping Digest 2nd September Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- British American Tobacco working on COVID-19 vaccine – Ban All Vapes During PMTA Delay – FDA Four-Month Delay Not Enough to Save E-Cigarette Industry – New York Bans Flavored Vaping Products – Vaping products should be labelled essential – Vaping sector ‘open for business’ – Govt Urged to Keep Vape Shops Open – Vape shop owners want to be considered essential – Shahab Urges Government To Change Policy – Open Irish Stores Plea – Big T’s COVID Response – West Knocks Media Coverage – Rushed Bill “Grossly unfair” – While a Real Epidemic Raged – Opinions About E-Cigs Remain Skewed – Switching from Smoking to Vaping – Vaping enthusiasts hold virtual rally – Encouraging Transformation – Vapers ask Centre to revise position on E-cigarettes – Pushing Through Prohibition In a Time of Pain – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Hopes that US flavour ban may be vetoed but Mexico imposes import shutdown – Vaping in The News – March 1st – Free e-cigs given out – CoEHAR against the increase in excise duties – Health Insurance Companies Charge Vapers Up to 50% More – UCL Repeat Research Call – Parliamentary Questions – Toxic chemicals in the e-cigarette vapour – Pelosi Has to “Whip” Votes to Pass Flavor Ban – Advertising ban ‘goes against freedom of expression’ – The Politics of Vaping – Juul Plans To Include Bluetooth – Vapers rebuff ‘smokers’ tag – Study Finds Raising Taxes on Vaping Increases Smoking – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Vape Predictions 2020:  – The Incomparable Deceit Of The WHO – FDA Infographic – Expert Reaction to two papers – Massachusetts Department of Public Health – U.S. Prefers Mass Hysteria – Study Highlights ‘Fear Agenda’ Impact – Mylo Rapped By ASA – Vape Recycling First for NZ – Ireland Attacks Flavours – Vatican Vatican’t Vape – Vapers: A Key New Addition – Blame Anti-Tobacco Advocates for Youth Vaping “Epidemic” – China’s e-cig industry cuts 10% of staff – Lessons for President Trump – The HHS Smoking Gun – Tobacco harm reduction saves lives – Let’s Freak Out About Vaping – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Vaping and Your Respiratory Health: Interview with Prof Polosa ~ Reviewed Work: “Initial e-cigarette flavoring and nicotine exposure and e-cigarette uptake among adolescents” ~ Harry’s Blog 92: You are wrong at the top of your voice …

Vaping Digest August 28th Read More »

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Thursday’s News at a glance: NNA response to Mayor of London Health Inequalities Strategy Consultation – BMA announces support for e-cigarettes – E-cigarettes: Balancing risks and opportunities – A journal editor is being accused of fast-tracking an e-cig emissions study – $1 Billion Research Agenda – Plain packaging not working – Tobacco Control Attacks Malia Obama – ‘Tobacco Survivor’ Presents to Justice Policy Cmte – CRC Committee Approves E-Cigarette Smoking Ban – Vaping shops set for huge high street growth – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Visiting expert encourages Australian smokers to switch to vaping – Take all extreme scientific claims with a pinch of salt – More Vaper Insights – Making a call on passive vaping – Evolution & Growth – Vaping draws fire in war on smoking – E-cigarettes included in Phuket beach smoking ban – Final action expected on e-cigarette ban – New laws for electronic cigarettes – MOH’s adverseness against alternative tobacco products is “religious” in nature – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:

Flight Ban Upheld – The irony of “not caring” – Vaping has less than 1% the cancer risk of tobacco – New Study Provides Strong Empirical Support  – FDA proposal to reduce nicotine content – Canadian convenience stores – Vapers have much lower cancer risk  – Government’s Ban on ‘Stop Smoking Aid’ Makes No Sense – An 18th century secret product – Most common myths about use of e-cigarettes – Smokers Feel Heat but Not the Burn – Time to embrace the potential of e-cigarettes – Jail considers selling e-cigarettes to inmates – Ban on e-cigarettes will increase smuggling – Nicotine in the News – 7 August – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Tuesdays News at a glance: Partial ban on use in public places wins AMs support – Vaping in Wales – Time To Change Tactics ? Part 2 – Are vapers in denial about tobacco control? – EU finance ministers call for higher taxes on e-cigarettes – Organizations & Politicians LIE About E-cigs – Calls For French Ecig Clampdown – Can Vapers move Public opinion? – Drakeford’s Lies – The Likely Truth Behind That Viral ‘Exploding E-Cigarette’ Video – Formaldehyde Fears – But You’re Still Addicted – Can Nicotine Be Good for You? – Does nicotine confer any positive benefits? – Update: Ecigs.Our right not to smoke Tobacco – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Tuesday, 8 March 2016

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