Monday’s News at a glance:- Study supporting the evaluation of the Tobacco control Acquis – Stakeholder Interview – The road to FCTC #COP10 – Stigma and Misinformation Maintain the Devastating Toll of Lung Cancer  – Real Talk About Nicotine – Spanish Doctor Calls For Risk-based Approach – 45 Experts Write to Oz Parliamentarians – UKVIA Questions Scottish Government – American Heart Association Still Refuses to Tell the Truth About EVALI – Medical Journal Retracts Vaping Study – FDA Plans to Kill Disposable Vapes – Denmark’s “Vaping Evangelist” – The Great Flavor Debate – Ouest-France Gets it Wrong

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Monday’s News at a glance:- The NNA welcomes calls for proportionate regulation of nicotine pouches – Brussels to propose rise in cigarette taxes and first EU-wide vaping levy – Increasing the price of vaping – Vaping Won’t Work If Nicotine Is Attacked – Who Would Win the Anti-Smoking World Cup? – Ban On Harmful Products – What is holding Canada back? – WHO renames Monkeypox, CDC does not rename EVALI – A middle-ground approach for smokers – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- The FDA’s Menthol Vape Ban Shows It Is Not a Science-Based Agency – Call to ban nicotine pouch sale to under-18s – FDA regulation has preserved and protected – Youth Tobacco And Vapor Product Use Declines In Washington State – Vape-Click’s Legal Vape List – Czech Government Plea – How the switch to healthier nicotine products – Food and Chemicals Unpacked: Blowing Smoke: – Could the misinformation about the EVALI Outbreak be undone?​ – Group to gov’t: Back tobacco alternatives – How to enjoy nicotine – No, Prop. 31 isn’t really about protecting ‘the children’

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Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA Flags Up Dutch Flavour Fight – Final Dutch Consultation on Vape Flavors Ends Sept. 28th – Growing vaping black market – Lung Injuries Not Caused By Nicotine Vaping – Nonprofits Drive the Anti-Vaping Campaign – NZ’s Vaping Regime Attracts Malaysian Delegation – Over 600,000 sign petition against bill – Canada’s Vape Excise Tax Could Lead to More Smoking – Calls on govt to legalise e-cigarettes – Nicotine may be the stepping stone – A ‘YES’ from the EU to oral nicotine

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EVALI: What It Is – Vaping Promotes Smoking Cessation – Smoking laws light up the path – Intersessional developments – New Paper Calls for “Middle-Ground” – Misinformation is deadly –  CASAA Takes The Bureau To Task – More Raids On Illegal Disposables – Vape Voucher Pilot Success – Another Thai Twist – WVA is Back on the Road – Facts For Dentists – Juul Will Pay States $439 Million – FDA Misreports PMTA Acceptance Numbers – Steve Forbes Blasts FDA Vaping Rule – Australia’s publicly funded ‘vaping facts’ – What do e-cig cases tell us about where US FDA might go – Vaping could reduce Australian smoking rates – Science and the evolving debate about snus – Multnomah County’s ban on flavored vapes – Alternative Tobacco Products – Kenya: Achieving THR – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- New ASH briefing sets the record straight on youth vaping – Nicotine patches being used by researchers to stimulate memory – Public health agencies – not judges – Federal Court Rules Against FDA – ASH Youth Briefing – Teen Access Needs To Be Addressed – INNCO: Evidence Wins Out – CAPHRA: Massive Wake-Up Call – EU must withstand anti-vaping pressure – Scientific evidence supports vaping –  Nicotine vaping was not the cause of EVALI – New Survey Data Cast Further Doubt – Hypocritical on ‘harm reduction’ – Supreme expands vaping brand – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- News From Parliament – Students Strip Searched for Vaping Devices – Man’s death from heavy smoking, not EVALI – The Health Crisis Michael Bloomberg is Making Worse; No, Not That One – Vaping has helped many to quit smoking – The Advocates Voice 2022 – ‘Quit or die’ approach for cigarettes doesn’t work – Smoking bounces back in the US – Living with Children: Don’t worry about teen’s vaping – Advocacy Burnout Webinar

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Study: snus use has no impact on cardiovascular disease risk – Signs of Anxiety in the Anti-Vaping Camp – Australian research finds daily vapers are 100% more likely to quit – The CDC’s EVALI screwup – Dr Cox Talks About Her Trial – Vaping and Vision – Astroturf? – Opposition To Prescribed Vapes – Twitter Research Smears Advocates – Fertility And Vaping – The Case for Flavours – 4 Easy Ways to Make Your Vaping Setup More Satisfying – Vape usage is growing in Bournemouth – Alternatives may help smokers quit? – Vape bill can help save lives of Filipino smokers – Institute Warns Against Overregulation – THR: The imperative for alternatives – The TGA’s Vaping Ban and Aboriginal Health – Vape can reduce smoking prevalence – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Up In Smoke: How Vape Bans Increase Tobacco Use – USPS Vape Mail Ban Is Now in Effect – Backlash Against the FDA Grows – Experts Demand EVALI Rename – BAT Delivers “Critical Year” Keynote – ATS Beats A Broken Drum – Thai Vape Support Goes Global – Parliamentary Activity – Vaping: one policy the Kiwis have got right – Altria Will End U.S. IQOS Sales November 29th – Hong Kong Prohibits Sales of Vaping Products – New Study Muddies the Vaping Debate – The WHO fails again – on smoking – Tobacco Control Policies Are Misguided – New Alarm Over Youth Vaping in Canada – National and international health nannies – Evidence on effectiveness of e-cigs is incontrovertible – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EU SCHEER report misses the mark on vaping – Another Challenge to FDA Could Be Heard by the Supreme Court – COVID Relief Bill Cuts E-Cigarette Access – New Evidence Links “EVALI” Vaping Misinformation With Increased Cigarette Smoking – JUUL Busy Producing Research – Vaping is a friend and not a foe – WVA Show Of Fitness – Dangerous SCHEER Drop – Will nicotine be the next menthol? – Effect of Massachusetts House Bill No. 4196 – A smoker’s right to choose better health – Consumers express alarm – Between 2 Vapes Episode 2 Professor David Sweanor – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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