Tag: Kenya

Wednesday’s News at a glance: ETHRA May news roundup – Relative harm beats absolute harm – The European Elections are this week; what can vapers expect? – Europe’s cancer league wants a tobacco free Europe – GFN 24: Next Week …

Vapers Digest 5th June Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Rampant misinformation at the Tobacco and Vapes Bill – How to respond to UK government’s vape tax consultation – Calling out fake news part 3: – Delay in Authorizing Vaping Devices Takes Toll – The …

Vapers Digest 10th May Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Simon Chapman spreads fear and misinformation in The Monologue – Current vaping regulations a “resounding failure” – Altria Buys NJOY for $2.75 Billion – While UK Helps Smokers Quit, U.S. Cracks Down on Vapes – School Toilet Closure “Riots” – Addiction Researchers Condemn Oz Statement – Quebec Moves to Ban Flavours – TAV Live – Sunday Sessions 2023 – Why Are My Classmates Switching From Vaping to Smoking? – Is RRP waste the biggest threat to THR? – Open letter to NSW’s vaping premier – MLB players turning to nicotine pouches – Who has the answer for India’s big tobacco debate? – Only Science Will Save Kenyan Smokers – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Vaping proven to be the best way to quit smoking, media look the other way – Vaping: On the Right Side Of History? – expert reaction to Cochrane review on electronic cigarettes – Strongest evidence yet that vaping is more effective than NRT – Most smokers don’t know that vaping is less harmful for their health – Vapes Better Than Patches – The 2022 Tobacco Transformation Index – 7 Recommendations for the Portuguese – Experts Identify Flaws – CAPHRA On WHO Claims – Guernsey stop smoking service to offer free vape kits – THR Approach Sees NZ’s Smoking Plummet – THR among marginalized communities in Kenya – FDA Issues (More) Meaningless Warning Letters – ‘Tis the Season to Talk About Smoking! – Can the US Tobacco Control Debate – Kenya Scores Low In Global Anti-Smoking Index – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Finland and Sweden should join forces to liberalise EU snus legislation – INNCO News – @CDCTobaccoFree is Obsessed with Teen Vaping – New CDC Data Show Modest Rise – New Survey Data Show Adolescent Vaping Remains Far Less Common – In 2022, Kids Are Back in School – Australia Is A Predictable Failure – New Zealand Inconsistencies – Flawed Cocaine Research – VapeWatch – Parliament – Lowest Levels Recorded in Indiana – New Swedish EU politician wants to push the snus issue – Convenience retailers concerned – Australia’s experiment – The FDA’s Perverse Plan – Kenya must learn from UK Study – ‘We Vape, We Vote’ tour coming to Thornton

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Rethinking U.S. tobacco and nicotine regulation (part 1) – ETHRA September news roundup – UK Government’s Latest Vaping Report – Vaping Substantially Less Harmful Than Smoking – Vaping substantially cuts health risks of smoking – Florida Protects Vapor Products – Australian Stores pushes for national vaping summit

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EVALI: What It Is – Vaping Promotes Smoking Cessation – Smoking laws light up the path – Intersessional developments – New Paper Calls for “Middle-Ground” – Misinformation is deadly –  CASAA Takes The Bureau To Task – More Raids On Illegal Disposables – Vape Voucher Pilot Success – Another Thai Twist – WVA is Back on the Road – Facts For Dentists – Juul Will Pay States $439 Million – FDA Misreports PMTA Acceptance Numbers – Steve Forbes Blasts FDA Vaping Rule – Australia’s publicly funded ‘vaping facts’ – What do e-cig cases tell us about where US FDA might go – Vaping could reduce Australian smoking rates – Science and the evolving debate about snus – Multnomah County’s ban on flavored vapes – Alternative Tobacco Products – Kenya: Achieving THR – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Giving out vape starter kit vouchers on the NHS could help entrenched smokers quit – The FDA’s problem With misinformation – High-Nicotine Vapes Don’t Increase Nicotine Use – FDA Deals Death Blow to the Nicotine Gummy Market – Holiday Time Travel News – A New Low – No Causality For Respiratory Symptoms – Proposals must be enforced – The Advocates Voice – Aotearoa Edition – Sweanor Calls For “Rethink” On Vaping at Health Canada – Does vaping turn you into a pothead? – THR significantly saves lives – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Speakers stress need for THR strategy – The War on Drugs Didn’t Work. The War on Vapes Won’t, Either – Scotland Goes Toilet Crazy – Why Do They Lie? – Is Health Canada’s Tobacco Control Directorate “fit for purpose”? – The Cost Of E-Cigarettes – Study Raises Questions About Anti-Vaping Bias At FDA – Without nicotine alternatives, Kenya’s tobacco industry is growing – E-Cigarette Flavors, Devices, and Brands Used by Youths – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The gateway effect myth that will never die – 82 million vapers worldwide in 2021 – No Smoking Day – Time to try something more innovative – Government urged to cut VAT to 5% – ‘Ban smoking for good’ campaign – The NNA’s Top 20 – IBVTA Issues Warning – Confidence Up In USA – Strip Search District Superintendent Charged – UKVIA Calls For Scottish Rethink – Parliament – 2021 CDC Survey – Why Can’t the CDC Tell the Truth – Massachusetts Public Health Boasts – Industry bodies respond to Scottish plans – French Experts Call for Tobacco Policy Rethink – New Federal Spending Plan – Harm Reduction Approach Needed – Kenyans Yeaning For Safer Alternative – National Consumer Protection Week – Provinces Could Have Final Say – Canada’s Vape Gag Law Must Go! – Congress wants to sneak in an effective ban – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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