Tag: Steven Greenhut

Wednesday’s News at a glance: Swedish Snuff (Snus), Cigarette Smoking, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes ~ Innco Weekly Issue | Feb 6th, 2023 ~ SOTU: If Biden Was Serious About Reducing Cancer, He’d Embrace Tobacco Harm Reduction – Not Oppose …

Vapers Digest 8th February Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- New ASH briefing sets the record straight on youth vaping – Nicotine patches being used by researchers to stimulate memory – Public health agencies – not judges – Federal Court Rules Against FDA – ASH Youth Briefing – Teen Access Needs To Be Addressed – INNCO: Evidence Wins Out – CAPHRA: Massive Wake-Up Call – EU must withstand anti-vaping pressure – Scientific evidence supports vaping –  Nicotine vaping was not the cause of EVALI – New Survey Data Cast Further Doubt – Hypocritical on ‘harm reduction’ – Supreme expands vaping brand – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Fighting The Wrong War ~ State’s latest tobacco ‘protections’ are trying to kill us ~ Why is Harm Reduction an important aspect of public health? ~ Kenya Plans to Raise Taxes on Vaping ~ Unfair to ban …

Vapers Digest 4th May Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance:- More Jamaicans turn to vaping to quit smoking – THR: A Historic Opportunity for Our Health & Our Planet – Malaysia Regulates Vaping With ‘Historic’ Gazette – Myblu Is First Major Brand Pod Device Rejected by FDA – Deadly Do-Goodism – Prison Time? | War on Vaping Goes Criminal – The Advocates Voice – The Prohibition of Vaping

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Monday’s News at a glance:- E-Cig Summit 2021 Roundup – Part 1 – MEPs have an opportunity – In Dubai, Polosa is the only expert on Harm Reduction – WVA Concerned About The War On Vaping – Flavour Bans Increase Smoking – Why China Could Revolutionize Global THR – Will China’s Tobacco Regulators Outlaw Refillable Vapes? – China’s Recent Vaping Regulations – New Zealand places a historical record for THR – Does vaping really damage DNA – Groups allegedly funded by Bloomberg – Politicians are still stuck on Prohibitionist policies – Smoking is injurious to health – Build Back Better package’s added vape tax – Doctor releases book ‘dispelling myths’ around vaping – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Snus brings Sweden even closer to ‘tobacco endgame’ goal – Willingness to accept misinformation is based on perception – How vaping helped one ‘hideously addicted’ doctor – Smokers are switching from tobacco to vaping – Nicotine Tax Will Hurt Democrats – Pesko’s Tax Proposals – Flavours Do Not Encourage Teens To Vape – PMI Response to Prescribed Vapes – Stroke Risk Research Criticised And Pulled – INNCO Round Table – The WHO’s tobacco policy echo chamber – Stop the war on nicotine: Six Reasons – THR Has The Potential To Reduce Smoking – What caused a scrap in the Philippines government – Why a black market looms as NZ stubs out smoking – Let’s reduce the deaths – Congress pushes for tobacco death and taxes – Building Back Cancer Rates – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: What is Safer Nicotine Superheroes? ~ Heated tobacco products reduce cigarette sales ~ E-liquids cheaper thanks to an amendment approved by the Italian Parliament ~ Vaping Product Standards Behind A Paywall – Disappointing ~Why e-cigarette …

Vapers Digest 21 July Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Your Help Is Needed NOW to Postpone the PMTA Deadline – National – FDA Citizen’s Petition – PMTA Delay – What do we know about the TPD application report? – California Ramps Up the War on Vaping – Re-Analysis of Retracted Research – Anti-Nicotine Zealots Only Care about Science When it Says What They Want – Anti-Tobacco Posers Posture Over Public Health – VPZ Attacked by ASH UK – The Sad Truth About Bans – Glantz In The Spotlight – ETHRA Writes To Danes – GTNF Free Registration Open – Cigarette sales down as vaping up – New Research Questions Link – Banning Flavored JUUL Pods Is Actually Dangerous – The CDC must take an integrated approach – Incriminating e-cigs no matter what – Smokin’ Smokeless Sales – Vaping ad tactics ‘exploited’ the pandemic – New tech and new aromas make vaping an even more attractive – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- E-cigarette regulation – money talks – Kentucky’s New Tax Will Keep Smokers Smoking, and Dying – Montana’s Ban on Flavored Vaping – Study Shows Higher Taxes Lead to Increased Smoking – Tried It Didn’t Like It – Vaping is Less Addictive – Smokefree Amendments Deserve Support – COVID Update – How Dr Carolyn became a passionate advocate for vaping – Top 10 tobacco influencers on Twitter in Q2 2020 – Can snus/nicotine protect against Covid-19? – A pragmatic approach to nicotine addiction – Study Shows Teens Vape for the ‘Cool’ Factor – Countries asked to look at innovative products – A state tobacco monopoly looms – Juul Labs submit PMTA – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: How safe are e-cigarettes? – Smoking: it’s the end of the word as we know it – Online Help Required – Vaping In The News – November 30th – The Deeming Rule: A Brief History – Vapid Approach to Vaping – Euro Docs Are Dangerous – Massachusetts State Health Department – The Black Market Is the Real Problem – ATHRA to challenge Northern Territory ban on vaping – Could life insurance go up in smoke – Snus: a compelling harm reduction alternative – A qualitative study of e-cigarette emergence – Rational approach towards vaping products – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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