Friday’s News at a glance: Vaping Products Duty consultation – Part Two – Sunak’s capitulation on vaping – Nicotine use rises among young adults in England – The NNA and the Tobacco & Vapes Bill – Vape Industry Demands Apology …

Vapers Digest 24th May Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: UK policy on tobacco and vaping – UK Tobacco & Vapes Bill 2024 – MPs should not lose sight of the benefits of vaping – Can vaping cause changes in our cells? – Price increase …

Vapers Digest 22nd March Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Knives out for nicotine pouches – Harry’s blog 122: THR is a human rights issue – FCTC: Does it work? #COP10 – Halifax road dubbed ‘Quitters Street’ – Spy Style Concealment Efforts – Belgium Urged …

Vapers Digest 3rd November Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- No plans to make vapes prescription-only – Brexit freedoms must be used by Sunak on vaping – Journal Retracts Study – Vaping is not a gateway to smoking – Consumer Groups Respond To South Africa – CRUK Commissioning Disposables Research – UKVIA Makes LGA Comment – House of Commons – Juul Labs Submits PMTA – Vaping goes missing in the Spanish elections – Czechs’ nicotine pouch tax plan – Nicotine Prohibition – Why advocates should support the right to smoke – War on E-Cigarettes – Nearly 80% of Doctors Worldwide – Tobacco Harm Reduction Group – Prohibition is a hard habit to break – NSW Greens Statement on Vaping – The cosy deals behind prescription vaping – Vaping on holiday

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Friday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA’s view on the SCHEER Opinion – EU TPD implementation report: the countdown has started – THR Discussion With Christopher Balkaran – Why Japan’s Huge Drop in Smoking Is a Story Prohibitionists Ignore – Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada – The EU’s Aversion To Vaping – The Foundation Hits Back – CRUK Updates Its Position – America’s Perverse Tobacco Policy – Nic Pouch Ad Problem – DS 371 – ‘Thai tobacco tax’ the more you walk, the more you walk – Growth at risk? – E-cig vapor mixture key to proving harm reduction – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Spain SOS – Putting the record straight: consumers are not tobacco industry minions – Hope for quitters! – California Flavor Ban Will Go On Hold Until Nov. 2022 – COP Inquiry – What Ever Happened to – Chowdhery Sees The Positive – CAPHRA Slams Bloomberg-funded ‘attack’ – More Lung Lies – Irreconcilable Conflict on RegWatch – Kiwi Vaping Advocate Fights Bloomberg-funded ‘attack’ – Ad voids hampers vape cure – Dear Canadian Smokers: Please Follow Britain’s Guidance – Electronic cigarettes and obstetric outcomes: – “Vaping can be your way out” – Taxing vapes should be handled with care – Kenya lags world in adopting alternatives to smoking – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- US epidemic slowing down, but JUUL Labs threatens the whole industry – Why the U.K. Isn’t Having Problems With Vaping – Vaping IN The News – October 26 – New CRUK Report – NZ Data Proves Vaping’s Value – Prohibition 100 Years Later – Smokers confused over gov’t warning against vaping – Oregon regulators misleading public – Utah judge halts new restrictions on vape shops – Here’s the truth behind the vaping crisis – Despite Setbacks, Vaping Is Here to Stay – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Plain Packs: The Failure Continues – ‘Weak’ evidence linking e-cigarette use with future smoking – ‘Oh what a lovely war’ – on reason itself – Smokers avoiding NRT and e-cigarettes – Tobacco Product Taxes Are Regressive – Big tobacco …

Vapers Digest March 16th Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Vaping and tobacco harm reduction – highlights from England – E-cigarettes: a guide for healthcare professionals – Ringing in the changes – Smoking plunges to 1% among young women in Norway – EU in denial over snus – Norway, Gateway? No Way – Misconceptions about e-cigarette safety – More than a million people use e-cigarettes – Why don’t the regulators want to know? – Why PHE’s pro-vaping crusade is the enemy of choice – Stanton Glantz And Ignoring The #MeToo Movement – Lawmakers ask FDA to reject Philip Morris’ iQOS application – Mt. Pleasant proposes banning e-cigarettes – Ban moves forward in Lafayette – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Lift EU regulations to let vaping flourish after Brexit – Vaping Solutions: An Easy Brexit Win – Vaping after Brexit – State of the Vaping Nation – The penalties for violating vaping laws across Australia – Regular smoking in young people at record low – There Isn’t a Teen E-Cigarette Epidemic – NY Wrongheadedly Bans Indoor Vaping – Big Tobacco company buys into vape shop chain – FDA’s Motive For Releasing Vapor Product Reports Raises Questions – Govt Ensures Vaping Subject to Excise Duty of 57 Percent – 10 Facts That Everyone Gets Wrong About Vaping – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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