Tag: NNA(AU)

Monday’s News at a glance:- San Francisco vape ban becomes law; WHO sticks to anti-vaping line – Brexit Britain’s vaping paradise – San Fran Fallout – Canadian Data Causes Celebration – ACLU Objects to Nicotine Testing in Nebraska School – Vaping In The News – June 29th – The Golden Gate City Needs MSA Funds – Vermont Implements the Second Highest Vape Tax in the US – Colin Mendelsohn and Simon Chapman discuss vaping – VPZ to create 1,000 jobs and 200 stores across UK – THR Advocacy-Science and Consumers – Alana’s ‘uplifting journey’ – E-Cigarettes to be banned in Indoor – Governments must find optimal regulatory balance – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: British Vapers Leading Europe – Smoking must be in the mix on poverty question – E-Cigs and ‘dripping’: What Science isn’t Saying – Dear President Trump: Stop the F.D.A. – The Need to Defy the Language of Tobacco Control – Now our real battle begins! – HIQA draft report highlights issues – Prosecution of Tobacco Company Executives – Vapers Look To Trump To Save Industry – Why fake news plagues the e-cigarette debate – Behind the Smoke-Screen of Vaping – Appropriate vaping legislation – Nicotine In the News – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Monday, 6 February 2017

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Mondays News at a glance: How Dare Members Of The Public Respond To A Public Consultation! – Judge rejects anti-vaping claims – Worrying evidence – The silly science – Anger And Disappointment At A Billion Lives – Tobacco control turn their long knives -Dr Farsalinos makes a review of the year – São Paulo Smoking Ban – Re-thinking nicotine and its effects – E-cigarettes prevent nicotine addiction – Vaping makes the front page – Big league healthcare savings – Trans-Tasman Report – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Monday, 5 December 2016

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Wednesdays News at a glance: I blame Knapton and The Sun – Flawed Science for Flawed Policy – Pretend Harm Reductionists – Could Australia Legalize Nicotine for Vaping? – IVVA and ASH Ireland debate ecig taxes – Government data reveals an e-cigarette tax poses risk to public health in Ireland – Houses of Parliament report Ecig updates – Where will the US vaping be in two years? – A Smokeless History Lesson For Vaping Advocates – World’s vaping industry under thick cloud – New FDA vaping regulations will harm public health – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Wednesday, 10 August 2016

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Fridays News at a glance: Buckle Up and Prepare for Wales Vape Ban Battle – Part 2 – A systematic review of health effects of electronic cigarettes – Call to Legalise Nicotine For Electronic Cigarettes – ACMS meeting in Australia – August 8, 2016 — What Does it Mean for Vaping? – Think Tanks Challenge FDA’s E-Cig Rules – Are the New FDA Deeming Regulations Stifling Innovation? – India: A statewise blanket ban on vaping based on a controverted report – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Friday, 5 August 2016

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Wednesdays News at a glance: “Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.” Napoleon – Reply from Heidi Alexander – Open Letter to Heidi Alexander MP – Vapers: Stay Connected! – Take Back Control – Our right not to smoke Tobacco – Sweden Surrenders – Friendly Fire May Kill Vaping – Urgent! Vapers in Victoria – Cancer Scientists’ pensions invested in Tobacco – When someone says “for the children” – VTA’s conference On The Hill: – Lawsuit Against DOT Ban – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Wednesday, 8 June 2016

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Urgent Call to Action: Victorian Tobacco Amendment Bill On June 8th the Victorian Government will be voting on the Tobacco Amendment Bill, which will regulate e-cigarettes the same way as tobacco products. Vendors will not be able to display their products or offer juice tasting in-house, and users will not be able to vape in smoke-free zones. Vape Meets at pubs and clubs will be banned.

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Fridays News at a glance: Public health starts using ‘industry arguments’ – Gateway Theory – Q&A – Stop’s Louise Ross Answers YOUR Questions – 33 Great Vaping Quotes – Children are not vaping in significant numbers – CDC Continues to Lie and Deceive the Public about Youth Tobacco Use – E-cigarette seller gets 3-year jail in Mohali – Won’t trade ethics for sales in our Vape shop – As cigarette sales shrink, so do tobacco settlement payouts to states – Wall Street Document Cites E-Cig Regulations as Good News for Tobacco Stocks – About 16% of High School Students Are Now Using E-Cigarettes – The Vape Debate: The Kilmarnock Standard presents differing arguments – Smokers say yes to Smokefree bylaws, but no to e-cig bans

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Wednesdays News at a glance: We Can Solve The Problem We Caused – Honest! – We Don’t Need ‘Decades of Research’ to Know Vaping Is Safer Than Smoking – The New Way to Meet Your Neighbours – Ecigs. Our right not to smoke Tobacco – PHE hits back at conflict of interest claims on e-cigs – Pharmaceutical firms spend €40m a year for ‘privileged access’ to EU decision-makers – Anti-smoking lobby targets cafe smoking areas with new court case – E-cigs can help cut smoking MSPs told

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Tuesdays News at a glance: The Excrement of Science – 95% Backlash – The comparative risk of e-cigarettes — numbers, nonsense, and innumeracy – College Students Know E-cigarettes Aren’t Tobacco, Their Professors Are More Confused – Report from the Global Forum on Nicotine 2015 – Scottish Parliament Presentations – More on the ecig advocates’ descent toward junk science – E-cigarettes: the need for clear communication on relative risks – A British Lesson on Vaping for the CDC – 4 Reasons This Article About E-Cigarettes Is Bad – Anti-Smoking Groups’ Campaign of Deception is Working – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest

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