Tag: Holland

Friday’s News at a glance: Vape tax consultation – Australia’s tobacco fiasco – It was twenty years ago today/Hon Lik showed a brand-new way – Why We Need World Vape Day – An Urgent Call for Action on World No …

Vapers Digest 31st May Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Nicotine & the EU: Your chance to be heard – INNCO expresses concern – Suffolk County Tobacco 25 Law Tabled – Nova Scotia’s Constitution Challenged – Positive Evidence About Vaping – New Laws for NZ – Anti-Vape MEP Heading Up Working Group – Be Wary of the Bangkok Cops – Dutch to ban cigarette sales in supermarkets from 2024 – A harm reduction strategy for smoking cessation – San Francisco Considers Ban – Switching to e-cigarettes from smoking reduces toxic exposure – Pod e-cigarettes less harmful than regular cigarettes – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Cigarette Sales Increase as Vaping Bans Push People Back to Smoking – Tobacco lobby influenced ministers, won possible delay in cigarette price rise – Fag Fires Blaze During COVID – Tobacco Cos. Line Up to File PMTAs – Health regulator confirms e-cigarette ban – Bogus Vaping Study Puts Millions of Lives at Risk – E-cigarettes Less Addictive Than Cigarettes – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- New official statistics endorse the UK government’s approach to harm reduction – Stop the ban on flavored e-liquids – New EU rule changes would mean bad news for #Smokers and #Vapers – US Mail Vape Ban Passes the Senate – Vape Bans Are Creating a Thriving Illicit Market – Research Roundup – Parliament – Flavour Ban Black Market Boom – Erroneous Europe – Nova Scotia Nonsense – Steve Brine: Making the most of vaping – Massachusetts Regulators Knowingly Drive Vapers to the Black Market – The Black Market of Vaping – Vapers fight against ban – TGA blows smoke up Australia’s ash –  Health Canada to ban advertising – Pragmatic tobacco policy can decrease youth use – FDA Issues IQOS Modified Risk Approval – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Australia’s ban on nicotine importation lifted – Vaping In The News ~ June 28th – English Vape Shop Staff Call – Vapo Slams Australia Nic Ban – Do We Really Want More Smokers? – Associations of Flavored e-Cigarette Uptake – Vapers stunned over proposal to ban flavors in The Netherlands – Holland Bans Flavoured Vaping Products – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Fridays News at a glance: Modern Day Follies – Populus Ecig Survey – Smoking prevalence in Norway dropping faster than ever – Dangerous Particles Found In Tobacco Smoke Reduced Up To 1,000 Times In E-Cigarettes – Health project voted in new reading by the National Assembly – Dutch to restrict e-cigarettes to over-18s – In Quebec the e-cigarette is officially a tobacco product – Rutgers Explores How Smokers Learn about E-Cigarettes – Rally at Queen’s Park Saturday against Bill 45 – New advocacy group forms for electronic cigarettes – Fremont moves toward banning new e-cigarette retailers – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Fri, 4 December 2015

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Wednesdays News at a glance: We Can Solve The Problem We Caused – Honest! – We Don’t Need ‘Decades of Research’ to Know Vaping Is Safer Than Smoking – The New Way to Meet Your Neighbours – Ecigs. Our right not to smoke Tobacco – PHE hits back at conflict of interest claims on e-cigs – Pharmaceutical firms spend €40m a year for ‘privileged access’ to EU decision-makers – Anti-smoking lobby targets cafe smoking areas with new court case – E-cigs can help cut smoking MSPs told

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Tuesdays News at a glance: An interview with a Dutch vaping advocate .. The Face of Big Vaping .. Nicotine makes you smarter. Journalists need some urgently .. Another scare story about e-cigarettes. What we should be worrying about is sugar .. A Moral …

In the News 31st March Read More »

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AMvB The Dutch situation from Martijn Voncken regarding the early introduction of the TPD and more! Starting from 1st February, 2015 the AMvB “Tijdelijk Warenbesluit e-sigaret” is coming into effect. Translated this is the “Temporary consumer goods-decision e-cigarettes” It is …

A Call to Dutch Vapers Read More »

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Daily News Round Up: Large fire at TVECA/UTVG Warehouse Let’s hope a dodgy battery charger isn’t to blame…. CRUQUIUS A large blaze destroyed tonight two units on the Bennebroekerlaan Dijk Cruquius. There were no injuries, but there was so much smoke …

News 12th Dec 2014 Read More »

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