Monday’s News at a glance:- VBI Addresses Potential Bans – Nicotine Products to Be Banned in Schools – Shenzhen Locked Down – 10 things you need to know – What Does the Synthetic Nicotine Law Mean? – Bill gives FDA oversight over synthetic nicotine – The Advocates Voice – Episode 2 – Regulator sends smoke signals – Cigarette smoking and the pandemic – Government ticks all the wrong tobacco boxes – Public health experts affirm vaping can improve public health – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The gateway effect myth that will never die – 82 million vapers worldwide in 2021 – No Smoking Day – Time to try something more innovative – Government urged to cut VAT to 5% – ‘Ban smoking for good’ campaign – The NNA’s Top 20 – IBVTA Issues Warning – Confidence Up In USA – Strip Search District Superintendent Charged – UKVIA Calls For Scottish Rethink – Parliament – 2021 CDC Survey – Why Can’t the CDC Tell the Truth – Massachusetts Public Health Boasts – Industry bodies respond to Scottish plans – French Experts Call for Tobacco Policy Rethink – New Federal Spending Plan – Harm Reduction Approach Needed – Kenyans Yeaning For Safer Alternative – National Consumer Protection Week – Provinces Could Have Final Say – Canada’s Vape Gag Law Must Go! – Congress wants to sneak in an effective ban – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Scottish consultation on e-cigarette advertising – The NNA responds – San Diego VA Physician Promotes Unsupported Fear – Sweden Introduces Bill to Prohibit Flavored Vapes – National Tobacco Strategy is set to fail…again! – Survey Proves No Teen Risk – Dodgy Darlo Dealings – NNA Responds To Scottish consultation – GFN•TV – UKVIA Supports Homeless Shelter – Bills to Ban Synthetic Nicotine by Stealth – Vaping on NHS backed by more than a third – What science should we be following? – Watch Your Mouth – Hiding vapes from view won’t help to prevent smoking – Vape bill to strengthen flavor ban – Teen Vaping: What We Get Wrong – Vaping could be key – Cigarette smoking back in vogue – The changing tobacco epidemic – Clearing the haze: – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- News From Parliament – Students Strip Searched for Vaping Devices – Man’s death from heavy smoking, not EVALI – The Health Crisis Michael Bloomberg is Making Worse; No, Not That One – Vaping has helped many to quit smoking – The Advocates Voice 2022 – ‘Quit or die’ approach for cigarettes doesn’t work – Smoking bounces back in the US – Living with Children: Don’t worry about teen’s vaping – Advocacy Burnout Webinar

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Smoke and Mirrors: Orwellian Echoes of 1984 – CDC Releases 2020 Adult Smoking & Vaping Data – Respecting the Agency of Smokers: – Calling on doctors to support the opportunity of vaping for the fight against cancer – FDA Warns 20 Vape Companies – Cabinet Minister Wants to Reverse Thailand’s Vaping Ban – Huge Pinoy Support For Vaping – New Misinformation Research Released – The EU’s Tobacco Tax Directive – USA Youth Vaping Falls Again – Proposed Michigan Flavor Restrictions – New California Vape Taxes – Federal Health Agencies Confused About Statistics – Bloomberg’s Anti-Vaping Policies are Exploitative and Wrong – Survey Proves Indian Vaping Ban A Total Failure – Public Health Ignores Declining Youth Vaping Rates – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA September news roundup – Combat addiction with harm reduction, not prohibition – CDC Says Youth Vaping Dropped – Teen Vaping Fell by Over 40% in 2021 – Youth Vaping Rates Decline Steeply in the US – U.S. Trade Agency Orders IQOS Off the U.S. Market – WHO’s Manipulation Caught Out – WHO Should Adopt UK Ecig Approach – Trading Standards Hunt Illegal Disposables – WHO Releases New Report – The Great De-Vape – Freedom of choice has been cancelled and will cost lives – Buying Nicotine in Australia Is About to Get Even Harder – Australia makes smoking so much easier – Advocates and Prohibitionists Temporarily Unite – Experts Urge Authorities To Embrace THR – San Jose Prohibits Flavored Vape and Tobacco Products – SA tobacco bill clouds the issues – A safer alternative for 1.3 billion people – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Vaping & the workplace – Vaping Can Restore Lung Defence – UK Vape Ban Threat – URGENT Call To Action – NNA Asks UK Vapers to Help Stop FCTC Attacks – 323 Vape Companies Have Received MDOs – Turning Point Brands Sues FDA – Case Studies Trump WHO’s Lies – Riding For Vapes – Explosive Research Busts Bullying Billionaire – Academics Attack Shopkeepers – PM Spied Vaping – The Media Needs to Get Vaping Right – Vaping vs. Tobacco Smoking: – The FDA has decimated the market – Truth Initiative Creates Fake Vape Company – WHO Busted – Vaping And Mental Health: – Needlessly killing a powerful anti-smoking tool – Youth Vaping Has Not Led to Smoking – Now it’s the great vape conspiracy – False beliefs about tobacco alternatives – Vape flavor bans to worsen global smoking problem – PUDO Inc signs specialized vape product delivery solution – Reignite the Fight Against Smoking – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Nicotine Tax: Vapers Apply Pressure & Some Democrats Have Doubts – New study reveals common misunderstandings – Swedish Match deserves as much credit as Volvo – Parliament Square Vape Rally – Lithuania – The Next Country To Fall – WVA Members Address The WHO – HK Told To Regulate Not Ban – Quitting Success – More Warnings, “Experts” Demand – Farewell E-Cigarettes? – If the FDA Doesn’t Kill the Vaping Industry – FDA Issues MDOs to Turning Point Brands – The NYT still doesn’t understand the difference – sCOPe Livestream 8-12 November 2021 – MOH stop-smoking guidelines ignore the best way! – Countries’ case studies on vaping shatter WHO’s lies – 2 Years of Vaping Ban in India – Demand rise for science-backed smoke-free products – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Health Canada consults on the really dumb idea – Please, Health Canada – Flavoured vaping ban slammed – Vape Age Restrictions – Memo to Legislators: – The FDA Denies 800 More Flavored Vaping Products – Tax Parity Bill Would Increase Youth Smoking – Congress Must Rein in Federal Agencies – FDA Still Sending Warning Letters – Glantzing At Science Again – CAPHRA Demands Balanced Debate – Sleepwalking To Crisis – Lithuania Will Prohibit Vape Flavors – FDA Pushes Nicotine Patches – The stickies must flow – Science-based approach to regulation – The Vaping Industry As We Know It – Patt Denning Describes Her Switch – Asia Pacific Declaration – Misinformation on Twitter – WHO deferral on THR ‘tragic’ – Ignorance and Idealism – US nicotine pouch sales have grown – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- All about nicotine – the guru has spoken – Organizing the Tobacco Harm Reduction Community in the United States – Vapes Outperform NRT for Smokers – Tobacco Control Leaders Call for a Balanced Assessment – Vape Bus Hits Barcelona – Cochrane Updates Info on Vape Efficacy – NZ Regs: Terrible For Consumers – PHE’s Response to the SRNT Paper – New Testing Method Keeps PMTA Dream Alive – FDA Signals It Won’t Authorize Flavored E-Liquid PMTAs – Will FDA Extend Its Proposed Ban on Menthol Cigarettes – Nora Volkow Acknowledges Benefits – Demand for balance on vape debate – Knee-jerk response – 2.4m Britons choose vape to quit – Are Concerns About Teen Vaping Overblown? – Flavoured vape e-liquids help smokers – Good News Out of the Philippines – Foreign groups hit for role in tainting Senate vaping bill – FDA orders three small makers to pull products from the market – Remaining smokers in Norway – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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