Tag: Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates

Wednesday’s News at a glance: Barnet Council supports adult vaping as an effective aid to reduce tobacco smoking ~ How safe and effective is vaping nicotine? ~ Labour Vaping Policy Declares War On The Corner Dairy ~ Sweden’s path to …

Vapers Digest 23rd August Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Dutch nicotine pouch consultation: urgent action needed ~ Language policing in ‘public health’ ~ FDA Responds with More of the Same Misinformation to Reagan Udall Report ~ “Poorly Designed, Conducted, and Interpreted” Research Deters Smokers …

Vapers Digest 11 January Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Experimental Biology 2022: CoEHAR flies to Philadelphia to present the Replica project ~ Harm Reduction Could Be Transforming Health in Japan ~ Give up to level up – how going smoke-free can boost the poorest …

Vapers Digest 6th April Read More »

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