Vapers Digest 23rd August
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
Barnet Council supports adult vaping as an effective aid to reduce tobacco smoking ~ How safe and effective is vaping nicotine? ~ Labour Vaping Policy Declares War On The Corner Dairy ~ Sweden’s path to the lowest smoking rates in Europe ~ French Warning About COP10 ~ Peterborough Vape Trial Delayed ~ Shadow Report on the (NON)-Implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Article 1 (d) on Harm Reduction Strategies ~ Tobacco-free Bangladesh: Can science offer a solution? ~ I’m proud we made sure vaping was available in UK, says behavioural insights boss David Halpern ~ Hungary Proposes Draft Decree to Legalise Nicotine Pouches ~ How Utah can reduce smoking-related deaths ~ Bloomberg’s Global Crusade Against Safer Nicotine Alternatives Is Impacting LMIXS Significantly
Sweden’s path to the lowest smoking rates in Europe
Federico N. Fernández,
In the face of the smoking epidemic that takes approximately 700,000 European lives each year, Sweden emerges as a remarkable outlier with its smoking prevalence reduced to 5.6 percent, compared to the European Union’s (EU) 23 percent. How did Sweden chart this path, and can other nations replicate their success? The We Are Innovation position paper, titled “Leading the way to a smoke-free future: The experience of Sweden,” comprehensively addresses these inquiries. What is captured next is a concise distillation of the report’s most significant insights and revelations.
Two From Dave Cross, Planet Of The Vapes
French Warning About COP10
French advocacy groups The SOVAPE association and AIDUCE have detailed a series of anti-vaping measures being proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO is organising COP10 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) from 20 to 25 November 2023 in Panama City. SOVAPE and AIDUCE say the measures will be pressed onto attending member states.
Peterborough Vape Trial Delayed
Peterborough Councillors have voted to put a positive trial on hold that would have seen vape kits given out to smokers as part of a one-year trial to improve smoking quit rates. Despite research being widely available demonstrating the benefits of free vape kit activity, and the Government pledging to deliver kits to one million smokers, the regional politicians say they need to see further evidence that proves a link between switching to vaping and quitting smoking.

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