Tag: Taking Liberties

Friday’s News at a glance: A perfect opportunity – The IBVTA has its say in Parliament – Pediatrics Editors Claim Compliance – Campaign For Tobacco-Free Kids – FDA ‘Jumps The Shark’ – VT – Help stop a tax on vaping! – The changing world of tobacco harm reduction – NZ Study Hits Out At Public Health – The Kiwi law which shows Australia up – E-cigarettes in hospitals? – Teen Vaping Is ‘Hardly An Epidemic’ – Moving Backwards – Transparency, transparency, transparency – Russian HNB Research – £2bn fire-sale of a cigarette empire – Smokers could be jailed for 3 months – Vaper Expo 2018 – Was It The Best Ever? – World News – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: UK vape scene hit by HnB row – No short-fill shortfall – Philip Morris Feels The Heat And Burn – Clinical Trial Evidence – Hubris before a fall – E-cigarette firm cashes in on vaping – MPs Sitting For The Final Time – Europe’s anti-smoking obsession – We Must Save the Industry that Saved Us – eCigarettes are safer than smoking tobacco – School Takes Alarming Step – Comparative tumor promotion assessment – PH vapers hail US FDA – FDA Publishes Revised Ingredient Listing – How much does the FDA really do – Vaping In The News – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Rethink attitudes – U.S. Health Groups File Suit To Expedite More Smoking – Stop smoking interventions and services – Doctor Christian is no VApril fool – FDA Continues to Slow-Walk Safer Cigarette Substitutes – My IQOS Experience – Californian Catastrophe – Anti-Tobacco Groups Sue FDA – ECigIntelligence User Survey 2018 – Scientific evidence clears the air on vaping – Senators vow to block all Health Minister’s bills – Nicotine e-cigarettes ban to remain – Greek Council of State rules e-cigarette ban in public spaces – Dubai launches citywide raids on stores selling e-cigarettes – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: The World Conference on Tobacco or Prohibition – The enemy of my enemy is not my friend – Tobacco use rises for first time in decade – Beyond a Binary Approach – Italian Authorities Raid Vaping Expo – The In-Between – Ditch Anti-Vaping Rhetoric – No Harm in Passive Vaping – Warning to Vaping Drivers – Preventing Smoking Progression in Young Adults – Experts dispel myths – US health group backs e-cigs too – Alaska Senate approves youth ban – Activist to continue lobbying – Vaping In The News – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Join The NNA Campaign To Challenge Public Vape Bans – #VapesGiving – 2017! – Public Health Leaders Ask to Be Removed – FDA launches “Every Try Counts” campaign – Adolescent Smoking Rates Reach Historic Lows – Evidence from Freedom to Vape – Deafening Silence From Tobacco Controllers – Vapers: stay away from Thailand – Risk and responsibility – Vuse falls further behind Juul – HIV Won’t Kill You, but Smoking Will – Government Urged to Listen to Māori – Northeast sees rise in use of e-cigarettes – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance: Vape, don’t smoke – expert – E-Cigs Cause No Long Term Lung Harm – Tobacco control has created a generation of vaper haters – UK taxing the poor – Ontario Liberals Move To Crush Vaping – Long-term e-cigarette use shows no health concerns – Andriukaitis lashes out at tobacco industry – How Technology Can Reduce Tobacco Harm – Stakeholders proffer measures for smoke-free world – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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  Tuesday’s News at a glance: Still Screaming – Science Lesson: The Optimal Tax Rate for Vapor is Zero – The British Psychological Society endorses vaping – Why I’m tempted to attend the 2017 E-Cigarette Summit – Use science to …

Vapers Digest 10th October Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: Lancaster man vapes his way to marathon success – E-cigarettes should be promoted – Another Irrelevant E-Cigarette Summit – E-Cigarette Summit 2017 – Bloomberg School Of Public Health – How PR firms created “dialogue” structure  – Talking THR: Clive Bates – Higher taxes blamed for surge in black market tobacco – The ‘alt tobacco’ lobby and the war on choice – Draft amendment aims to strengthen e-cigarette ban – New Rhode Island law to restrict e-cigarettes – Strange Bedfellows – Johnson Creek is going out of business – Vaping In The News October 7th

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Friday’s News at a glance: Scream Test Update – Back in the Saddle – Tobacco Control ‘Experts’ Fight AGAINST A Smoke-Free World – Cochrane’s Eight Research Priorities – Smoking quit rates highest in 10 years – NHS Health Scotland supports vaping – Welsh Tobacco Control Delivery Plan – Derek Yach on BBC Radio 5 Live – Are health officials deceiving us – Risk and rhetoric – more from GTNF – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:

Good news, but don’t relax – FDA Announcement: What Does it Mean? – Very Low Intelligence – PMTA Delay Buys Vapers Some Breathing Space – New Vision for Tobacco Harm Reduction – New FDA Commissioner Saves the Day – Big Tobacco told to read FDA smoke signals – A sea change in the war on smoking – Should nicotine be limited to 20mg/ml? – Inhaling the nicotine without the toxins – ALP takes ‘illegal’ tobacco donations – Vaping In The News, July 23rd – 29th – Nicotine in the News – 31 July – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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