Tag: Andre Picard

Friday’s News at a glance:- Vapers rise ‘to more than three million’ in Britain – New data shows smokers are getting the message – Steps to address a non-existent problem – All people like better products – Australian University Bans the Ban – JUUL Having To Fight Its Corner – FDA has declared an epidemic of e-cigarette use – Affordable vaping for smokers – Most Americans Think Vaping is as Bad as Smoking – India: 7th State Bans Vapes – Save the E-Cigs – FDA Ought to Reconsider Stance – Fontem Ventures responds to FDA – Threats on Vaping Send Tobacco Stocks Surging – FDA Adopts the Anecdote – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:

Good news, but don’t relax – FDA Announcement: What Does it Mean? – Very Low Intelligence – PMTA Delay Buys Vapers Some Breathing Space – New Vision for Tobacco Harm Reduction – New FDA Commissioner Saves the Day – Big Tobacco told to read FDA smoke signals – A sea change in the war on smoking – Should nicotine be limited to 20mg/ml? – Inhaling the nicotine without the toxins – ALP takes ‘illegal’ tobacco donations – Vaping In The News, July 23rd – 29th – Nicotine in the News – 31 July – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Public has been mislead about e-cigarette risks, says UVic researchers ~ The health hazards of vaping are overblown ~ Will “Heat-Not-Burn” E-Cigs Kill Off Vaping? ~Trump invited by Rep. Hunter to consider repealing or suspending Ecigs …

Vapers Digest 25th Jan Read More »

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