Friday’s News at a glance:- The FDA forces Juul to pull the most successful anti-smoking product ever – As FDA flounders, the U.K. surges ahead with vaping – GFN Seeks to Accelerate Harm Reduction for All – Vapers made the EU commission listen! – SOVAPE Responds to the EU – Keynote Focusses on Billionaires and Foundations – Kiwi Anti Campaign – WHO tobacco control ‘failing’ European smokers – NZ Hospital Leads the Way – Study debunks fears of youth vaping – NHMRC vaping position is a disgrace – ‘People Need To Know Safer Nicotine Products Available’ – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- UK To Raise Smoking Age Limit – IBVTA commentary on article linking gum disease to vaping – Mexico Keeps Moving Closer to Total Vape Prohibition – Macau Set to Follow Hong Kong’s Vape Prohibition – Guernsey Busybody Risk – Mexico Bans Vapes – Macau To Follow China’s Lead – HK Needs To Allow Choice – Emerging Evidence – Prohibition of non-combustible nicotine products in Mexico – Double Standards Undermine Campaign Against Flavored E-Cigarettes – Vaping tax: the folly of tax policy replacing public health policy – Perceived effectiveness of objective elements – Clear Evidence | Nicotine Vapes Help Smokers to Quit – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- E-cigarettes ‘as safe as nicotine patches’ for pregnant smokers – Colorado Flavored Vape Ban Voted Down – Anti-Vaping Hysteria Is Deadly – The Highfalutin’ Hubris of Public Health – Fines are Fine – Guidelines For Healthcare Professionals – FDA Authorizes Yet More Unpopular Vuse Products – FDA Delivers Failing “Report Card” to Judge Grimm – What low-income smokers have learned from public health pedagogy – Signing Vape Bill Will Ensure Legacy For Philippine President – Health Canada’s Confused Message on Vaping – Vape consumers rejects ban on vape – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Digital minister backs e-cig sales – “Vaping promotion ban would hit disadvantaged hardest” – President Biden should use Small Business Week to save lives – A Confused Approach to Harm Reduction – Hawaii: Flavored Vape Prohibition Passed – As US FDA moves towards a menthol ban – Cochrane’s April Update – Global Livestream To Expose Anti-Vape Agenda – Consumers Respond To Thai Threat – Thai Minister Champions Tobacco – European Awareness Campaign Launched – First Time Vapers Survey – Parliament – Australia’s vaping policy – New Zealand must not sabotage its Smokefree 2025 goal – BfR-Forum aus Verbrauchersicht unbefriedigend – How biased is the media? – Hong Kong police make first arrests – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Health misinformation can be deadly – Vaping in schools: how concerned should we be? – America’s Blinkered Battle – New NZ DG Must Review Ecigs – Vaping Down Under with Dr. Colin Mendelsohn – Pretty Brutal | State of U.S. Vaping 2022 – Govt ‘will not legalise’ e-cigarettes – China issues draft rules to control production – Washington’s Juul settlement – Effect of flavored E-cigarette bans in the US – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- More Jamaicans turn to vaping to quit smoking – THR: A Historic Opportunity for Our Health & Our Planet – Malaysia Regulates Vaping With ‘Historic’ Gazette – Myblu Is First Major Brand Pod Device Rejected by FDA – Deadly Do-Goodism – Prison Time? | War on Vaping Goes Criminal – The Advocates Voice – The Prohibition of Vaping

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Experimental Biology 2022: CoEHAR flies to Philadelphia to present the Replica project ~ Harm Reduction Could Be Transforming Health in Japan ~ Give up to level up – how going smoke-free can boost the poorest …

Vapers Digest 6th April Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- CoEHAR exposes for the first time that most e-cigarette research is flawed – Dutch flavour ban on e-cigarettes postponed – Sharp Decline in High School Vaping – Italy Will Reduce E-Liquid Tax – Negative Vaping Claim Debunked – Expert Reaction – Advocates Coming Together – Parliamentary Activity – Recalls and Russia – GFN22 Updates – FDA Authorizes Logic Vapes – Canadian Vaping Association – ‘Teen Vaping Epidemic’ Myth – Vaping Rates Have Fallen – Center for Tobacco Products Needs Reforms – Tobacco Control and The WHO – New Administrative Measures Impact China? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Can vapers trust Big Tobacco? – Blackpool MPs new call to tackle smoking – China Set to Prohibit Sales – Smokers Rush to Stock Flavored E-cigs – Ideological Aversion to Harm Reduction – Despite Bloomberg’s Billions Fooling You – NHS Still Failing on VBA Training – 82 Million Vapers – Oz Must Embrace Vaping – Findings From Scottish Prisons – Don’t Ban Synthetic Nicotine – FDA Has 120 Days to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine – Who Will Be the First Person To Go to Prison? – US Smoking Hits Record Lows – Protected by the SRNT Bubble – Vape Keeps Beating the Odds – Let’s be scientific, not ideological – Vaping flavour bans – South Africa flirts with e-cig tax – Tobacco harm reduction critical – Four Basic Consumer Rights Not Respected – COP9: Philanthropic Funding or Manipulation? – Vaping Advocates Launch Series – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- VBI Addresses Potential Bans – Nicotine Products to Be Banned in Schools – Shenzhen Locked Down – 10 things you need to know – What Does the Synthetic Nicotine Law Mean? – Bill gives FDA oversight over synthetic nicotine – The Advocates Voice – Episode 2 – Regulator sends smoke signals – Cigarette smoking and the pandemic – Government ticks all the wrong tobacco boxes – Public health experts affirm vaping can improve public health – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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