Tag: Mark Oates

Monday’s News at a glance:- Prohibitionists at work: how the WHO damages public health through hostility to THR – The secret tobacco conference starts today – Fighting the Last War – Secretive WHO is ignoring the science on vaping – Open letter by NGO engaged students – COP9: the Secret Tobacco Control Meeting You Can’t Attend – Paediatricians Attack Ecigs – News From Parliament – It’s time to end smoking for good in the UK – House Democrats Tuck Vape Tax – Melbourne-based individual fined $7,992 – The battle over the government’s tough new vaping ban – WHO’s Global Tobacco Meet Needs A Reset – WHO undermines democracy – Group rallies support for smoking alternatives – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Levelling up and capitalising on Brexit – Anti Vaping WHO – The Great Vape Debate – No increased cardiovascular risk for snusers – New RCP Report: Smoking and health 2021 – Toilet Tantrum in Australia – Britain must stand up to the WHO – Rejigging tobacco strategy is essential – Covid-19 and smoking: – Asian Consumers to Celebrate ‘Safer Choice’ – Switching to safer alternatives is also quitting – 2021 New Zealand budget on health reforms – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- The Great Australian Smoking Grant Racket! – Nicotine is a protective shield – Vape shop and consumer activity during COVID-19 – Democrats’ tobacco policies could hurt more than help – NNA Call To Action – We Vape’s Call To Action – Then They Came For Chocolate – Telegraph Misrepresents COVID Vaping Threat – Vaping and Tobacco Harm Reduction – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Netherlands: Flavor Ban Comment Deadline is Jan. 19th – Harry’s blog 109: The myth of the vaping controversy – Canadian Vaping Association will challenge any vape regulation that prevents access to harm reduction – Can vaping reduce inequality? – Top UK Vape Cities – US Teens Not Dependent On Ecigs – IBVTA Establishes Alternative Link For Payments – FDA Launches PMTA Enforcement with Warning Letters – Vaping Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers – Electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid for patients with cancer: beliefs and behaviours of clinicians in the UK – Massachusetts Tobacco Flavor Ban Simply Shifted Markets – The need for an ontology of consensus scientific terms in e‐cigarette research – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Compelling Evidence that Smoking Protects Against Covid-19 & Reduces the Likelihood of ICU Admission ~ Stanford Study Finds No Association Between Exclusive Vaping & Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis ~ Better to let them smoke and die? …

Vaping Digest August 12th Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: How ASH turned the views of just SIX smokers into a headline-grabbing 300k ~ We cannot talk about the correlation between smoking and COVID-19. ~ Nicotine and Covid-19: the world needs Sweden’s help ~ Nicotine …

Vaping Digest May 6th Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- 2019 in review, a busy year for the NNA – European vapers must mobilise in 2020 – E-cigarettes are still safer than smoking – Sweden is the harm reduction capital of the world – Congratulations Minnesota! You “Saved” 32,400 Smokers from Quitting – The Teen Vaping Trends We’re Not Talking About – Why did the CDC ignore vaping evidence? – Vape Shops Saved for Now – Britain’s positive embrace of vaping puts our nanny state to shame – Mitt Romney Made Millions off Cigarettes – Beware the vaping fearmongers – Harm Reduction Approach Should Extend to Patient Smoking – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Cretinous @DundeeCouncil, An Abusive Employer – Pressure on US vapers continues to rise – Protect and Duck and Cover and Survive – Current troublesome issues in E-cigarette Policy – Politicians wouldn’t ban motorcycle helmets – Do Teen Vapers Need Big Pharma Intervention? – Why Traditional “Quit Smoking Methods” Have Consistently FAILED – Metals inhaled from vaping are not a health risk – Targeting Appropriate E-Cigarette Users – Smoking – Making a switch for the better – Vaping In The News November 3rd – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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