Tag: Filter Magazine

Wednesday’s News at a glance: Public health gains from investment in non-combustible alternatives ~ Denied FDA Authorization, Vaping Companies Start to Explore Loopholes ~ As New Zealand Cigarette Taxes Climb, So Do Harms to Poor and Indigenous Smokers ~ Lawmakers’ …

Vapers Digest 1st September Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The Desperate Search for a Health Threat From Nicotine Pouches ~ Why the FDA Denied 4.5 Million Product Applications From One Vape Company ~ E-cigarettes, Continued ~ With ENDS Deadline Looming, FDA Must Ignore Activists’ …

Vapers Digest 25th August Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: ‘Smoking bans don’t work – nor will cracking down on vape and cigarette sales’ ~ Canada: Young Adults’ Smoking Rates Are Dropping Unprecedented Rates ~ Vape Flavor Bans Will Lead More Teens to Smoke, Suggests …

Vapers Digest 11th August Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Never mistake the finger for the moon: the role of nicotine ~ E-cig industry association sues Spanish government over anti-vaping campaign ~ Anti-Tobacco Philanthropy or Manipulation? ~ Beyond TPD – UK Politicians Say Scrap 2ml …

Vapers Digest 4th August Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The WHO Emphasizes Its Mission to Destroy Safer Nicotine Alternatives ~ World Vapers’ Alliance: WHO report on tobacco epidemic perpetuates myths on vaping ~ President Derek Yach’s Statement on the WHO’s Global Tobacco Epidemic Report …

Vapers Digest 28th July Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The WHO’s war on vapers ~ Global Forum on Nicotine Conveys Cautious Optimism for Tobacco Harm Reduction ~ UK breaks from ‘flawed’ EU science with vow of evidence-based snus ban review ~ Asian consumer group …

Vapers Digest 23rd June Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Harm reduction advocates to observe May 30 as World Vape Day ~ International governments intensify support towards science-backed reduced-risk tobacco alternatives, complementing Tobacco Control Policies ~ WHO’s Conflicted? ~ APPG on Vaping Achieving a Smoke-Free …

Vapers Digest 26th May Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Switching to HTPs improves health of COPD patients unable to quit smoking ~ Vaping junk science and the gateway effect ~ Damn Straight: Vapers of New Brunswick will be watching Dorothy Shephard ~ Cigarettes must …

Vapers Digest 19 May Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Swedish MEP calls out Commission ‘dishonesty’ on snus and cancer ~ The WHO and tobacco policy: a seven-point reform agenda ~Worlds apart – while others ban e-cigs, UK hospitals hand them out for free ~ …

Vapers Digest 12th May Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: A “fairer and healthier world” needs a better public health agency than the WHO ~ Vaping Group Supports Call to Defund WHO ~ By Ignoring WHO, UK Could Emerge as World Leader in Tobacco Harm …

Vapers Digest 5th May Read More »

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