Monday’s News at a glance: Interview with Martin Cullip – Storm in a Teacup Over Soccer Stars’ Snus Use – WHO’s Authoritarian Tobacco Conferences – ASA Rules Against Emails – Dr Cox Wins the 2024 Impact Prize – UKVIA’s 10 Vaping …

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Monday’s News at a glance:- More Jamaicans turn to vaping to quit smoking – THR: A Historic Opportunity for Our Health & Our Planet – Malaysia Regulates Vaping With ‘Historic’ Gazette – Myblu Is First Major Brand Pod Device Rejected by FDA – Deadly Do-Goodism – Prison Time? | War on Vaping Goes Criminal – The Advocates Voice – The Prohibition of Vaping

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Can vapers trust Big Tobacco? – Blackpool MPs new call to tackle smoking – China Set to Prohibit Sales – Smokers Rush to Stock Flavored E-cigs – Ideological Aversion to Harm Reduction – Despite Bloomberg’s Billions Fooling You – NHS Still Failing on VBA Training – 82 Million Vapers – Oz Must Embrace Vaping – Findings From Scottish Prisons – Don’t Ban Synthetic Nicotine – FDA Has 120 Days to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine – Who Will Be the First Person To Go to Prison? – US Smoking Hits Record Lows – Protected by the SRNT Bubble – Vape Keeps Beating the Odds – Let’s be scientific, not ideological – Vaping flavour bans – South Africa flirts with e-cig tax – Tobacco harm reduction critical – Four Basic Consumer Rights Not Respected – COP9: Philanthropic Funding or Manipulation? – Vaping Advocates Launch Series – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA October news roundup – Contemptible misinformation about vaping in the Daily Mail – Our health – Consumers the often forgotten majority – ‘There is something for everybody’ – VBI Demands Evidence-Based Debate – Javid Announces Medical Vape Plan – Malaysia Will Legalize and Tax Nicotine Vaping – Fighting for Smokers’ Access to Safer Alternatives – Good COP Distracts From Bad COP – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance: MHRA Banning Squonking? – Britain’s Vaping Revolution – Tobacco control bungles push smoking rate up – The Evidence is Growing – China Tariffs Will Hit Vape Industry – Ignorance continues to cost millions of lives – Turning a deaf ear to harm reduction?  – It is legal to import nicotine into Queensland – Industry slams ‘moralistic’ new tobacco billVaping In The News

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