Tag: Marc Gunther

Monday’s News at a glance:- Harm Reduction in the U.S. – ASH Calls For Smoking Cessation Training – A Sea Change is Underway – The New Nicotine Alliance – European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates – Effective behavioural support in 2021 and beyond – Crazy PAVeing: An Anti-Ecig Conference – UK E-Cig Stores Back Open – Bloomberg Philanthropy: charity or intrusion? – Bloomberg Anti-Nicotine Lobby  – Japan trounces smoking epidemic – Africa Must Ditch The Dogma To Reduce Tobacco’s Toll – Taipei proposes ban on sale of vaping products – Chinese Vaping Billionaire Became One Of The World’s Richest Women – Smokefree action plan must elevate vaping as a safe switch – Another study finds a good reason to switch – Juul Leaves Canadian Trade Association – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA March news roundup – The APPG on Vaping’s report about the WHO – Holding the Bloomberg anti-vaping propaganda complex to account – Vaping, Covid and the Precautionary Principle – Europe must embrace harm reduction post-pandemic – UK Parliamentary Inquiry Challenges WHO’s Anti-Vaping Stance – For Smokers With Schizophrenia: The JUUL in the Crown – APPG for Vaping’s COP Inquiry Submissions – Imperial Brands Talks About THR – Think Tank Considers Cancer Plan Feedback – What It’s Like to Be a THR Advocate in Taiwan – Hypocrisy, Health and Quebec’s Flavored Vape Ban – A conversation with philanthropy journalist – Vaping Prohibitionists Threaten Harm Reduction Efforts – Call for Britain to Make Its Mark – Wide variety of vape flavors can actually help smokers quit – Call It Colonialism | Bloomberg’s War on Vaping Pt. 2 – Up in Smoke: the Future of UK Tobacco Harm Reduction – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: A crusade against vaping, with unintended consequences ~ A conversation with philanthropy journalist Marc Gunther (Part 1 of 2) ~ What Are E-Cigarettes? ~ Minority voices; the voice of smokers ~ Parliament Debates Smokefree 2030 …

Vapers Digest 31st March Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Bloomberg’s Millions Funded an Effective Campaign Against Vaping. Could It Do More Harm Than Good? ~ Why banning alternatives to smoking will do more harm than good ~ Fourth leading cause of death globally (COPD): …

Vapers Digest 24th March Read More »

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