Tag: COPWatch

Friday’s News at a glance:- Vapegoating e-cigarettes – More trouble in little Panama – Surge in Adult Vaping Underlines Our Harm Reduction Priorities – How to deal with the vaping in schools – Vaping Could Save NHS £500m – Excessive Regulation in Hungary – New Zealand: A Model for Success – GSTHR Paper Explains COP10 – Comparison of US and UK Physicians Advice on Nicotine and Vaping – The Hypocrisy of Anti-Thr Groups

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: GFN23: The Big THR Conversation – how can the last decade influence and inform the next? ~ #COP10 documents guide: FCTC/COP/10/7 ~ WHO Has Changed Course on Harm Reduction Before; It Must Do So Again …

Vapers Digest 9th August Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance: Pregnant women should consider e-cigarettes to help quit smoking – Switching to vapes ‘could save NHS more than half a billion a year’ – The COP10 War – Parliament – Study supports government initiative – Butler …

Vapers Digest 7th August Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The WHO’s COP10 Takedown of Tobacco Harm Reduction Takes Shape – The WHO releases new report on the ‘tobacco epidemic’ and how to maintain it – Four in ten smokers wrongly believe – Misperceptions of Nicotine Causing Harm for Consumers – What the UK can learn from Sweden – The Healthy Truth is Free – Dawkins’ Flavour Research – Totally Wicked Sponsorship Rebuke – House of Lords – Quebec Flavor Ban Will Begin Oct. 31st – FDA’s Dubious Tobacco Policy – Oral Tobacco Use Linked to Slower MS Progression – Combating Misguided Hostility – Poor policy on tobacco and vaping supports organised crime – The Guardian makes some good points… – Tobacco Control Blocks Vaping Debate in Australia – BAT Talks Switching Smokers to Vapes

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Study supporting the evaluation of the Tobacco control Acquis – Stakeholder Interview – The road to FCTC #COP10 – Stigma and Misinformation Maintain the Devastating Toll of Lung Cancer  – Real Talk About Nicotine – Spanish Doctor Calls For Risk-based Approach – 45 Experts Write to Oz Parliamentarians – UKVIA Questions Scottish Government – American Heart Association Still Refuses to Tell the Truth About EVALI – Medical Journal Retracts Vaping Study – FDA Plans to Kill Disposable Vapes – Denmark’s “Vaping Evangelist” – The Great Flavor Debate – Ouest-France Gets it Wrong

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Send back the clowns – Finns sign up in droves to fight ban on nicotine pouches – Health Ministry Error – Big trouble in little Panama – New Zealand Should Continue To Follow The Science – Is vaping nicotine the answer? – Smoking is becoming obsolete – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: World Health Organisation exploits tobacco farmers, the hungry, sick and poor in its crude activism ~ W.H.O. boss lies about vaping ~ Yet another murky WHO meeting ~ Vape Pricing Critical If FDA Limits Nicotine …

Vapers Digest 7th June Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Australia: a special kind of stupid – Changing Gear – Consumer groups challenging the WHO FCTC – More FDA Disposable Enforcement – Advocates Demand Disposable Action – Parliament – Parliament Fears Too – Allowing Vapes in Our Prison – A Blander Tomorrow – Anti-smoking messages up in smoke – Sin tax on vaping products will trigger black market – An open letter to the Health Minister – What are the harms of vaping in young people? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Why I’m Still Fiercely Optimistic About Tobacco Harm Reduction ~ April – victory month for harm reduction ~ Tobacco Harm Reduction Will Save Millions Of Lives In Africa ~ Smokers Helpine contradicts Health Canada ~ …

Vapers Digest 10th May Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance: Introducing the authors of the COP10 agenda – Wisdom From Smoking Cessation Pioneers – The EU’s Demented Attack on Harm Reduction – Policymakers and Bloomberg Dropped the Ball – NCSCT Updates Professional Guidance – Government …

Vapers Digest 5th May Read More »

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