Tag: Filter Magazine

Wednesday’s News at a glance: Schroedinger’s nicotine: good in patches, bad in vapes ~ Where are the missing verbatim #COP9 reports? ~ Generational tobacco ban positive, but is it legal? ~ 1.1 MILLION REASONS TO REGULATE AUSTRALIA’S ILLEGAL VAPE INDUSTRY …

Vapers Digest 31st August Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: What Nelson Mandela Can Teach Us About Human Rights ~ A coalition of vapers calls on the Australian Health Department to end the crackdown on vape businesses and consumers ~ A record consumer response to …

Vapers Digest 20th July Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: A targeted approach to using e-cigarettes for harm reduction in adults ~ It’s Complicated: Harm Reduction Through Nicotine & Tobacco Use ~ Authorizing Very Low Nicotine Cigarettes Is Short-Sighted ~ FDA’s New Plan to Eliminate …

Vapers Digest 15th June Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: The Right to Health Means the Right to Tobacco Harm Reduction ~ The WHO is using Big Tobacco’s playbook to mislead smokers worldwide ~ Vaping Saved My Life experiment among eight participants sees all stop …

Vapers Digest 8th June Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Vaping is an “environmental disaster”, say anti-vaping nuts ~ E-cigarette use costs $15 billion a year?!? ~ Expert reaction to paper on e-cigarettes and spending on health services in the US ~ SMOKING, ADDICTION & …

Vapers Digest 25th May Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: German agency: ‘nicotine pouch risks are low’ ~ ‘Keep nicotine bags away from young people, but do it differently for adult smokers’ ~ Hypocrisy: Science Journals Refuse To Publish ‘Tobacco Industry’ Research ~ Health Canada’s …

Vapers Digest 27th April Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: New study pave the way for research of novel nicotine-based treatment for human viral infection ~ Vaper Trails: New nicotine products and the innovation principle ~ Think tank warns vape bans cause more harm than …

Vapers Digest 20th April Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Malaysia Poised to Legalize E-Cigarettes ~ New study shows vaping helps Australian smokers quit ~ Vape bill opens door to responsible e-cigarette players ~ From Coercion to Empowerment ~ How FDA’s Mitch Zeller blew it …

Vapers Digest 13th April Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Alternative tobacco products may help smokers kick the habit? ~ Australia Tightens the Screws Further on Vaping Nicotine ~ Bengt Wiberg: one inventor’s fight to legalise snus in the EU ~ Ignore The Headlines: There’s …

Vapers Digest 9th March Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Women power: researchers and experts who changed the THR field ~ Sweden tobacco tax travesty: punish snus users and keep cigarettes cheap ~ ETHRA attends European Commission meeting on new tobacco and nicotine products in …

Vapers Digest 16th February Read More »

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