Tag: Cheryl K. Olson

Friday’s News at a glance:- New report heralds 4.3 million British vapers and a “vaping revolution” – ‘Record’ public response ahead of EU tobacco law revisions – Vaping Success In The UK – ASH resources for local authorities – NNA Welcomes Briefing – Is Banning Tobacco Legal? – Counterfeit Disposables – Adult Ecig Use in Great Britain – EU Commission Must Withstand Pressure – How to Save 100 Million Lives – Listening to Nicotine Users – A Curious Case – Cuts Ice in liquidation – MOPH discusses “e-cigarettes” – Higher e-cigarette taxes could push vapers to smoke – Vape industry urge MoH to halt raids on premises – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- NNA & ETHRA Call For Survey Support – Competing Interests for Nicotine – Setting the parameters for a new TPD –  Los Angeles to Ban Flavored Vapes -Former WHO Directors Slam Organization’s Harm Reduction Stance –  WHO is invited to the Global Tobacco Regulators Forum – Celebrating businesses – FDA Commissioner Misleads – Experts mull impact of PMI’s acquisition – Konsultation zur TPD3 gestartet – Verbraucher fühlen sich von Politik betrogen – Anti-vaping crusade – Imperial’s Strong Sector Performance – NSW Health spins its own data – May 2022 Podcast with Neal Benowitz – Global THR Advocates United – Tobacco Caused Disease – Mexico Prohibits Vape Sales – Can India Really Afford To Ignore THR? – Are harm reduction strategies evidence-based? – Vaping tax – Plea in Delhi High Court – 49pc Malaysian smokers choose vape – Trends in Annual Sales and Pack Price – Charming e-cigarette users – Consumer advocates are for real – Smokefree 2025 or smokescreen? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Fighting The Wrong War ~ State’s latest tobacco ‘protections’ are trying to kill us ~ Why is Harm Reduction an important aspect of public health? ~ Kenya Plans to Raise Taxes on Vaping ~ Unfair to ban …

Vapers Digest 4th May Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Scottish consultation on e-cigarette advertising – The NNA responds – San Diego VA Physician Promotes Unsupported Fear – Sweden Introduces Bill to Prohibit Flavored Vapes – National Tobacco Strategy is set to fail…again! – Survey Proves No Teen Risk – Dodgy Darlo Dealings – NNA Responds To Scottish consultation – GFN•TV – UKVIA Supports Homeless Shelter – Bills to Ban Synthetic Nicotine by Stealth – Vaping on NHS backed by more than a third – What science should we be following? – Watch Your Mouth – Hiding vapes from view won’t help to prevent smoking – Vape bill to strengthen flavor ban – Teen Vaping: What We Get Wrong – Vaping could be key – Cigarette smoking back in vogue – The changing tobacco epidemic – Clearing the haze: – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Outcry After High School Students Strip-Searched for Vapes – Lousy Vaping Studies: A Master List of Junk Science – South Africa Proposes New Tax on Vaping Products – Is Sigelei’s FDA Warning Letter a Sign of Things to Come? – Ecig Strip Search – Shocking Scale of Australia’s Stupidity – Doc Boards The THR Bus – Responsible Advocacy in Ireland – US Army Hits Wrong Target Again – Tobacco Flavor Bans: More Harm than Good – Marion Burts writes to MPP Gelinas – Message Javed Khan About The Tobacco Control Review – Mike Bloomberg thinks he knows what’s good for you – Appropriate for the Protection of Health? – Overregulation on vaping counterproductive – Mounting evidence that vaping helps smokers – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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