Wednesday’s News at a glance: Dutch nicotine pouch consultation: urgent action needed ~ Language policing in ‘public health’ ~ FDA Responds with More of the Same Misinformation to Reagan Udall Report ~ “Poorly Designed, Conducted, and Interpreted” Research Deters Smokers …

Vapers Digest 11 January Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Medical Journal Retracts a 2022 Study That Linked Vaping to Cancer – INNCO calls on Journalists to Spread the Truth – 7 Big Themes in Vaping for 2023 – CDC’s Peddling of Misinformation – Spread the Truth – White Paper Attacks Youth Disinformation – THR Is a Universal Human Right – Ohio Governor Vetoes Preemption Bill – Smoking Cessation “Care Package” Draws Fire – Pondering Prohibition – Report urges FDA to be more proactive – Proposals Must Not Hit Smokers – Latest webinar in Sweden – As cigarette smoking declines, cannabis rises – Consider alternatives for existing smokers – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- 2023 Vape Predictions – Another Lousy Anti-Vaping Study, Debunked – EU should look at Sweden – End Vape Misinformation – King’s College Talks Evidence – Cochrane Report Raises Questions – Healthy Ireland – NZ Minister Standing Firm – Letter To WHO – These Memos Show That FDA Regulation – Vaping review ignores the benefits – Ohio Bill Killing Local Flavor Bans – FDA Approval Process in Shambles – California’s Nicotine Flavor Ban – Westchester Flavored Tobacco Ban Vetoed – New Zealand’s world-first smoking ban – Most reported substance use – Africa needs THR Sensitisation – Pakistan Nicotine-Pouch Surge – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Advocates For Vaping Lay Case Ahead Of COP10 – Is Teen Vaping A Public Health Crisis? – New Court-Ordered Cigarette Warnings Will Omit Harm Reduction – Juul Settles Over 5,000 Lawsuits – Vape Criticism Is “Very Tiring” – India’s Vape Ban Exposed – EU Strategy fails Tobacco Harm Reduction – Overview of the Asia Harm Reduction Forum – Expert Reaction – Mission Harm Reduction – THR Science Communication Brief – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Vaping proven to be the best way to quit smoking, media look the other way – Vaping: On the Right Side Of History? – expert reaction to Cochrane review on electronic cigarettes – Strongest evidence yet that vaping is more effective than NRT – Most smokers don’t know that vaping is less harmful for their health – Vapes Better Than Patches – The 2022 Tobacco Transformation Index – 7 Recommendations for the Portuguese – Experts Identify Flaws – CAPHRA On WHO Claims – Guernsey stop smoking service to offer free vape kits – THR Approach Sees NZ’s Smoking Plummet – THR among marginalized communities in Kenya – FDA Issues (More) Meaningless Warning Letters – ‘Tis the Season to Talk About Smoking! – Can the US Tobacco Control Debate – Kenya Scores Low In Global Anti-Smoking Index – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Chaos, waste and failure: what is wrong with FDA tobacco regulation – Think Tank Publishes Alternative Strategy – Does Nicotine Help You Lose Weight? – CA Voters May Pass Nicotine Flavor Ban – Vaping Advocates Sign Manila Declaration – Two Years Of Kiwi Regs – Not Nice Mice Research – Sarah Game MLC introduces groundbreaking Bill – Vape Experts Release White Paper On WHO ‘guidance’ – Oral Nicotine Products – an underused option – American vs. European Vape Shops – Nicotine is not a cause of disease – Replacing tobacco with e-cigarettes – Heated tobacco flavours ban now official – Candidates who Ignored Vaping Constituents – School vaping policies – Cleveland Clinic Pushes Dangerous Anti-Vaping Propaganda – Women in THR: Coffee Chat with Michelle Minton – Unpacking PMI’s Promise of a Smoke-Free Future

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Nicotine vaping in England: 2022 evidence update – Vaping substantially less harmful than smoking – Vaping Safer Than Smoking Says UK Government (Again!) – An introduction to snus – Knowledge hub surprise! – Consumers opposing flavour ban – Australia’s Failed Experiment – Juul’s Cash Comes and Goes – Ash Cymru Misses the Mark – Attacks Need to Stop! – Altria Ends Non-Competition Agreement – The FDA’s Harm Reduction Hypocrisy – FDA admits it: Vaping better than smoking – Stakeholders clash on need for EU – Juul exec slams FDA – FDA Enlists Ex-FDA Leadership for Independent Review – Australia’s Experiment With Prescription-Only Vapes Has Failed – Ethics and Harm Reduction in Tobacco Control: – The need for a balanced approach to taxation

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Help our Dutch counterparts fight a threat to vaping in the Netherlands – My Commentary on FDA Regulation – Juul Lawsuit Accuses FDA of Hiding Documents – Juul Sues FDA After FOIA Requests Are Denied – Helen Redmond: Toward a US harm reduction strategy – Research: Mods vs Pods – Think Tank Gets Behind Vaping – What A Waste – Madness in Macau – CAPHRA Petition – Youth Tobacco and Vaping Use Declined In Montana – Youth Product Use at Record Lows in Idaho – Is a ban on vaping helping in nicotine harm reduction in India? – E-Cig Policy Compromises That Could Save Lives

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Friday’s News at a glance:- How to Respond Sensibly to an Increase in Youth Vaping – Thailand: Vapers Accuse Police of Soliciting Bribes – Tobacco Harm Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa – Arizona Youth Tobacco and Vaping Rates – Vaping Petition Reaches 10,000 Signatures – Oz Facts Need Checking – Study Shows Positive Long-Term Impact – Parliament – Should the FDA Force 30 Million Americans – ATR Proud to Have Protected Vaper’s Rights in 2022 – Unintended consequences of taxes – Cause exploration – New Zealand anti-smoking group – Vaping businesses boom in Nepal – FTC Hearing on Vaping Case -Nicotine and the Iron Law of Prohibition – Former WHO Director Supports Ecigs – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EVALI: What It Is – Vaping Promotes Smoking Cessation – Smoking laws light up the path – Intersessional developments – New Paper Calls for “Middle-Ground” – Misinformation is deadly –  CASAA Takes The Bureau To Task – More Raids On Illegal Disposables – Vape Voucher Pilot Success – Another Thai Twist – WVA is Back on the Road – Facts For Dentists – Juul Will Pay States $439 Million – FDA Misreports PMTA Acceptance Numbers – Steve Forbes Blasts FDA Vaping Rule – Australia’s publicly funded ‘vaping facts’ – What do e-cig cases tell us about where US FDA might go – Vaping could reduce Australian smoking rates – Science and the evolving debate about snus – Multnomah County’s ban on flavored vapes – Alternative Tobacco Products – Kenya: Achieving THR – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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