Tag: Javed Khan

Monday’s News at a glance:- Thérèse Coffey urged to promote alternatives as concerns grow over tobacco control plan – Asia Harm Reduction Forum 2022 – DHSC Cancel Culture – The 2022 Tobacco Transformation Index – New Poll Says Vapers Can Be a Force in Midterm Elections – AVM Files Senate Ethics Complaint Against Durbin – PWS – People Who Smoke – Candidates, Join National “We Vape, We Vote” Bus Tour – CO-08 Candidate Locks Door On Constituents – King misses the chance to engage – Vendors sue government agencies for exaggerating risk of vaping – Research, tech advancements in tobacco and nicotine products

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Independent review of tobacco policy in England misses the point – England fans face prison or fines for taking vapes to World Cup – Czech EU presidency puts focus on THR – Lars Rutqvist: the oncologist who wants smokers to switch to Swedish snus – Vaping nicotine – making the switch -MPs must focus on cigarettes – EU’s Misguided Flavour Plan – Dental Errors Dismissed – Belgium Accepts Reduced Harm – The E-Cigarette Registry – Parliament Too – FDA Backs Away From Its Own Juul Decision – FDA Chaos: Agency Reverses Itself – The FDA Misses Its Hit on Juul – The FDA’s Anti-Nicotine Myopia – Harm Reduction Takes a U-Turn on Vaping – Anti-Vaping Rhetoric Misleads Public – There Ought To Be a Law, or at Least a Regulation – The FDA Has a Vaping Problem – ‘No indication’ if Marcos will sign vape bill – California voters should nix flavored tobacco ban – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Khan Review Released – Countdown to GFN – NJOY Daily Is the First FDA-Authorized Disposable – EU Urged to Embrace Harm Reduction – Not Much Hope for New Tobacco Director – Wrong Turn? | Researcher Reflects on Health Canada’s Vape Restrictions – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Monday’s News at a glance:- Vape Britain: Huge new drive to wipe-out smoking in England by 2030 – Sorry, not sorry: I have been paid for work I have done – Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids — Can History Repeat Itself? – Swedish Match in buyout talks with Philip Morris – Multi-sector groups gather to push for comprehensive vape regulation – Groups push signing of vape bill – Vaping: Caught in the Crossfire with Clive Bates – The Advocates Voice – Communication and Engagement – Hamilton Morris & Ethan Nadelmann discuss Drug Policy – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Outcry After High School Students Strip-Searched for Vapes – Lousy Vaping Studies: A Master List of Junk Science – South Africa Proposes New Tax on Vaping Products – Is Sigelei’s FDA Warning Letter a Sign of Things to Come? – Ecig Strip Search – Shocking Scale of Australia’s Stupidity – Doc Boards The THR Bus – Responsible Advocacy in Ireland – US Army Hits Wrong Target Again – Tobacco Flavor Bans: More Harm than Good – Marion Burts writes to MPP Gelinas – Message Javed Khan About The Tobacco Control Review – Mike Bloomberg thinks he knows what’s good for you – Appropriate for the Protection of Health? – Overregulation on vaping counterproductive – Mounting evidence that vaping helps smokers – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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