Tag: COPWatch

Friday’s News at a glance:- Nicotine vaping in England: 2022 evidence update – Vaping substantially less harmful than smoking – Vaping Safer Than Smoking Says UK Government (Again!) – An introduction to snus – Knowledge hub surprise! – Consumers opposing flavour ban – Australia’s Failed Experiment – Juul’s Cash Comes and Goes – Ash Cymru Misses the Mark – Attacks Need to Stop! – Altria Ends Non-Competition Agreement – The FDA’s Harm Reduction Hypocrisy – FDA admits it: Vaping better than smoking – Stakeholders clash on need for EU – Juul exec slams FDA – FDA Enlists Ex-FDA Leadership for Independent Review – Australia’s Experiment With Prescription-Only Vapes Has Failed – Ethics and Harm Reduction in Tobacco Control: – The need for a balanced approach to taxation

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EVALI: What It Is – Vaping Promotes Smoking Cessation – Smoking laws light up the path – Intersessional developments – New Paper Calls for “Middle-Ground” – Misinformation is deadly –  CASAA Takes The Bureau To Task – More Raids On Illegal Disposables – Vape Voucher Pilot Success – Another Thai Twist – WVA is Back on the Road – Facts For Dentists – Juul Will Pay States $439 Million – FDA Misreports PMTA Acceptance Numbers – Steve Forbes Blasts FDA Vaping Rule – Australia’s publicly funded ‘vaping facts’ – What do e-cig cases tell us about where US FDA might go – Vaping could reduce Australian smoking rates – Science and the evolving debate about snus – Multnomah County’s ban on flavored vapes – Alternative Tobacco Products – Kenya: Achieving THR – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- EU seeks to ban flavours in heated tobacco products – The FDA’s demonization of nicotine harms consumers – Belgian authorities strong support for vaping – The EU Commissions’ misguided attacks – Konstantinos Farsalinos faults WHO – FCTC Secretariat uses Australian propaganda – The UK Sets An Example – GFN Uploaded – FDA’s Juul ban threatens harm reduction progress – The FDA and Juul are fighting over a vape ban – All Hands on Deck – White House’s Omnishambles Tobacco Policy – School Official Who Searched Girls Resigns – Hawaii: Governor Ige Likely to Veto Vape Ban – An update on vaping and nicotine prescribing – Vaping Going Backwards Under New Aussie Government – Why nicotine is part of the solution – Scientific community focuses on THR – Dr Francesca Pesola – Tobacco harm reduction is here for good – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- #COP9 LIVE 12 November 2021 – BECA draft report: second consideration of amendments – Confusing Communications, Shifting Guidance and Decision Paralysis – FDA: Stop Foot-Dragging – Nicotine Tax Update – Biden’s Vaping Tax Sparks Concerns – WHO Set To Fail Again – Antz Attempt To Influence COP9 – CAPHRA Writes To Delegates – COP Concerns – Polosa leads the ranking in his field of research – Vapers Call On Javid to Attend COP9 – The New Nicotine Patch – Women’s Voices Among Those Absent at COP – Biden Nomination of Califf as FDA Commissioner – The obscure UN conflab – Thai Government urged by pro e-cig group – Lobby group criticises KRA for increasing tax – Tobacco harm reduction policy in spotlight – PH agrees to follow science – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Bloomberg, World Health Organisation and the Vaping Misinfodemic ~ New INNCO Dossier Raises Major Questions On Anti-vaping Stance ~ Bloomberg, the World Health Organisation & the Vaping Misinfodemic ~ 5 things we’d like to see …

Vapers Digest 10th November Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Sinn Féin call for flavor ban – What do we know about COP9? – Urgent! Tell Congress to Kill the Outrageous Nicotine Tax – “Build Back Better” Nicotine Tax – Democrats Hike Taxes on Vaping – Vaping Can Help America Quit Smoking -Negative Capewell –  Capewell Debunked – An Expert’s Perspective – WHO Told To Support Harm Reduction – COEHAR Completes Evidence Review – 5 things we’d like to see happen at WHO COP9 – FCTC COP9: Liberate the vape! – More Calls for Harm Reduction Ahead of COP9 – Is WHO slamming the door on tobacco harm reduction? – Smokers Can’t Afford WHO To Be Wrong Again! – My Dear: A short epistolary novel – FDA Memos Reveal Its “Fatal Flaw” – Oireachtas committee warns against banning e-cigarettes – A Never-Ending War? – Taipei set to ban sale of vaping products – Global tobacco control ‘hugely outdated’ – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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