Tag: COPWatch

Wednesday’s News at a glance: Britain must stand up to the WHO on vaping to save millions of lives ~ The WHO meetings that never are or were ~ Clearing The Air For 30+ Million Smokers ~ Why is Australia’s …

Vapers Digest 26th April Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Newly published GSTHR research – Who is the new WHO French guy? – ‘Typical Belgium’ – If in doubt, ban it – NNA Praises Government Plans – Media Needs To Play Fair – Health Professionals Should Know Vaping Facts – Industry Responds to Government Action – Warner Argues for Acceptance – Panama Knocks Back Regulation – Canadian Vaping Association – Quebec Vapers Face Flavor Prohibition – Quebec Unleashes Black Market – Missed Opportunity – Heated Tobacco Products Help – Call to reconsider nicotine vaping regulations in Australia – How Old Do You Have to Be to Vape? – An examination of quitting smoking – The Last Beacon of Hope – #Safer Special: What is Harm Reduction? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Panamanian party poopers? ~ Online snus sales under threat in Norway ~ Liberalised nicotine pouch regulation could be short-lived ~ Minister Neil O’Brien speech on achieving a smokefree 2030: cutting smoking and stopping kids vaping …

Vapers Digest 12th April Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA March news roundup – Making the case and addressing concerns – Where’s Bloomby? Check the atlas – Snus: The tradition that’s given Sweden the fewest smokers in Europe – Cigarette-free Sweden busts myths – Ex-CTP Boss Zeller – Tennessee Vape Vendors Push Back on Big tobacco – How Australia’s vape crackdown created a huge black market – Georgia Poised to Criminalize Vaping – Fighting the Dip Mentality

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Flawed Research – The Return of Chumpman – CoSTED Team Release Protocol – We had a dream…. – My new book: The New Prohibition – Studies About Your Health and Usage – Elf Bar Nicotine Levels – Albanese government to double down – Tobacco harm reduction initiatives – Marlboro Maker Plots New Path to Smoke-Free Future – Harm Reduction Associations Consensus led by SCOHRE – Flavored Nicotine Ban Stalls – Hawaii bill to ban flavored tobacco products – Slovenian consultation is open! – Thailand Takes Important Step – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Successful Harm Reduction Is Not a Fantasy ~ Usa, Serbia, Morocco and Indonesia: Catania, world capital of Harm Reduction ~ UK Study Again Proves Vaping Risks Considerably Lower ~ Smoking Behavior and Risk Perceptions in …

Vapers Digest 1st March Read More »

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: Key milestones for COP10 ~ Vaping: The Great Innovation Public Health Failed to Embrace ~ Indigenous People’s Fight For Inclusion on World Cancer Day ~ Path to prohibition ~ Vaping Bans Aren’t Helping Smokers in …

Vapers Digest 15th February Read More »

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Worst science journalism of the week – U.S. & UK Vaping Rates Similar Among Youth & Young Adults – Sweden should do more for snus in the EU – Is the FCTC’s website now a Bloomboard? – Bloomberg Commits Another $420 Million to Tobacco Control – Ross Responds to Mercury Madness – IEVA Calls For Reduced-risk Alternatives – World Cancer Day Change Call – Smoking Deaths Sidelined – Biden’s Anti-Vaping Policies – Major UK Grocery Chains Remove Elf Bars – Vape issue has no easy fix – Is vaping any healthier than smoking? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- Banning disposable vapes? – 7 things to know about e-cigarettes and quitting smoking – Bloomberg tentacles tighten around WHO FCTC – England Recommits to Goal of Making Smoking Obsolete by 2030 – ADPHNE Comes Out For Vaping – Harm Reduction Is Working – AVCA Attacks Lung Damage Claims – Politics – November 2022 Podcast – Columbus Flavor Ban Is The Wrong Policy – CDC to Spend $55M on More Tobacco Research – Respect citizen rights, rethink nicotine – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- NNA writes to the Secretary of State for Health – Coffey should promote healthier alternatives – How did e-cigarettes and vaping get so popular? – German Institute: Pouches Safer Than Smoking – The FCTC is no longer fit for purpose – e-Cigarette Summit 2022 – Back Vaping, Beat Smoking – Postponing Malaysia – BAT Calls for Collaboration – CDC Continues To Spout Youth Vaping Epidemic – Political Strength of Vapers – Pennsylvania Young Adult Smoking Rates At Epic Lows – The Swift Half with Snowdon ft. Dr Marewa Glover – Michael Bloomberg is bankrolling California’s Prop. 31 – Doctors discuss tobacco addiction – The CDC’s Agenda on Vaping Data – Tax Fears

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