In the News September 9th


Fridays News at a glance:

Vapers Claiming Side Effects Of ECigs – Bacteria in Vape? – No exceptions for E-cigarettes – E-cigarettes with nicotine should be legalized – Why Tobacco Control is Beginning to Die – Should doctors celebrate the rise of e-cigarettes – Keep e-cigs out of dairies – Tobacco Harm Reduction Update – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Friday, 9 September 2016

Vapers Claiming Side Effects Of ECigs

Kevin Crowley – Vaping Links

With any “treatment” to stop smoking, there seems to be side effects. E-Cigarette users are clearly explaining below what effects they are experiencing with their use of this product. The question is VERY clear to the participant . With the question comes an answer.

Did you notice any NEGATIVE health or side effects once you were off tobacco using an e-cigarette?

Bacteria in Vape?

Mawsley, Planet of the Vapes

Science 2.0 exists to, in their words, “modernise science communication, publishing, collaboration and public participation”. Some might be wondering how science has been served with their coverage of a supposed bacteria threat to vapers – and how their response promotes public participation.

No exceptions for E-cigarettes

Carrie-Marie Bratley

From January 2017, vaping enthusiasts will see the places where they can legally use electronic cigarettes and other tobacco-free smoking devices in Portugal drastically limited. This comes as the government moves to have the current smoking ban rolled out to apply toincreasingly popular alternative devices. In addition, stepping outside for a cigarette could also become a thing of the past in public places like schools and hospitals.


E-cigs with nicotine should be legalized

Dr Farsalinos

As many of you probably know, nicotine is classified as a ‘dangerous poison’ in Australia. Therefore, it is illegal to sell, buy, possess or use nicotine other than in tobacco or nicotine replacement products. Recently, New Nicotine Alliance, a consumer group, submitted an application to exempt nicotine containing e-cigarettes (up to the level of 3.6% concentration) from this regulation.

Why Tobacco Control is Beginning to Die

Bolton Smokers Club

It seems to be true that, the more ‘advanced’ a country is, the more likely that it is to be open to abuse by ‘special interest groups’. In Islamic countries, homosexuals are still killed by being thrown from high places, but in advanced nations, such as the USA and the UK, they are worshipped. I use that group only as an example. I do not give a toss about personal sexual orientation…


Should doctors celebrate the rise of e-cigs

Dr Max Pemberton – Spectator Health

E-cigarettes are now the most popular way to quit smoking – more than gums, patches or sprays. Yet they go against medical dogma, which is to promote abstinence. This is because many people use them with no intention of giving up. This model views e-cigarette users as addicts – they are still addicted to nicotine, just as they were when they were smoking regular cigarettes.

Keep e-cigs out of dairies

Martin Johnston

Sales of electronic cigarettes and their nicotine liquid should not be permitted at dairies and supermarkets under proposed legal changes, say Otago University researchers.

They instead want the products, sometimes called electronic nicotine delivery systems, restricted to licensed pharmacies or “vape shops”.


Tobacco Harm Reduction Update

Bill Godshall Update 2016-09-06

THR Surveillance, Vaping Research, THR Education and Advocacy, FDA Deeming Rule, TCA Litigation, US Congress, THR Economics and Business, E-Liquid, Vapor Taxation, Flavoring Ban, Vapor Prohibition, Vapor/Tobacco Retailer Bans, Vaping Bans, Minimum Age, Mandating Reduced Nicotine Cigarettes, Cigarette Black Markets, More Junk Science – Propaganda – Lies.

On this Day…2015

A look back at how things have moved on or otherwise…

Compiled by Robert Innes @BrainyFurball

Formaldehyde in e-cigarette aerosol

A public call for the NEJM paper to be retracted – Dr Farsalinos

I am sure you all remember the story with the research letter published in New England Journal of Medicine, claiming to have found 10-15 times higher formaldehyde levels in e-cigarettes compared to tobacco cigarettes. This letter generated a lot of publicity and worldwide headlines about e-cigarettes being more carcinogenic than tobacco cigarettes. I have commented twice on this study (here andhere). Moreover, I published a study showing that high levels of formaldehyde are generated only in dry puff conditions.

How The FDA Is Helping Big Tobacco

Jan Verleur – Daily Caller

Since the FDA proposed regulations for e-cigarette products last year, the entire vapor industry has been holding its breath. If the rules go into effect as proposed, e-cigarette makers will have to submit applications for all products, even those on the market for the past eight years. The rules would require a multimillion dollar expenditure that would essentially put small, independent e-cigarette manufacturers – not to mention countless sellers across the country – out of business…

Why Public Advocates Care More About Heroin Addicts Than Smokers

Sally Satel & Brad Rodu – Forbes

We applaud these efforts to reduce the harm from heroin use. But as an opiate addiction expert (Satel) and a tobacco researcher (Rodu), we are baffled that equivalent amounts of energy and political will are not directed at an even more harmful addiction and public health scourge: smoking…

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