Vapers Digest 18th October
Wednesday’s News at a glance:
Three From Dave Cross, Planet Of The Vapes
Asia Harm Reduction Forum 2023:
The Asia Harm Reduction Forum (AHRF) will take place 19 October 2023 at The Manila Hotel in the Philippines. As a non-profit and interdisciplinary organisation, AHRF is dedicated to advancing public health education for the improvement of lives and environments across the globe.
UKVIA and ACS Respond to Government Plan
The UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) and the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) have responded to the Government announcement of 8-week consultation on vaping in the UK. While the UKVIA welcomes some of Rishi Sunak’s proposals, it warns that enforcement should be the priority – not new legislation. The ACS agrees that the key issue is the enforcement of current regulations.
The IBVTA Welcomes The Government Consultation
The Independent British Vape Trade Association has welcomed the Government’s new consultation. The consultation comes off the back of the Prime Minister’s announcement at the Conservative Party Conference earlier this month, that smoking is to be phased out as the UK moves towards its ambition to be smoke free by 2030. The IBVTA sees this as being an opportunity to help shape the future of the industry.
EU: Anti-Vaping Bureaucrats Plot to Bypass Democracy
Jim McDonald, Vaping 360
European Union bureaucrats intend to bypass the EU’s regular democratic process to support mandated laws in EU countries that could restrict or ban vapes and other low-risk nicotine products. If they succeed, they could force EU member countries to adopt the harsh anti-consumer laws favored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and anti-nicotine organizations funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

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