Tag: Kylie Morphett

Monday’s News at a glance:- ETHRA February news roundup – Innovation and its Enemies – IBVTA response to The Sun and Daily Mail articles – UK Vape Ban? Nope Just the WHO Being Reckless and Stupid – Vape Shipping and the PACT Act: What We Know So Far – Important Vaping Studies About Health and Usage – Girl Blames Vaping For Chlamydia – Vape Bans Are Bad For Everyone – We Are All Bullied – Questions in Parliament – World NGO Day 2021 – The Brexit Public Health Revolution – Public Health England Report: E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Quit – Evidence from Public Health England – Future of tobacco product regulation in Australia – Harder to thwart illicit trade – Fact/Fiction: Does vaping make you more likely to spread Covid? – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Friday’s News at a glance:- The End of Public Health England is a Threat to Vaping – Harry’s Blog 103: Tobacco Harm Reduction from A to A – California Researchers Make Dramatic Claims – Nicotine Pouches-A safer way of consuming Nicotine – WHO Doesn’t Get Reduced Harm? – Petition Finally Addressed – Vapers Switching Back To Smoking – Scientists Who Crave Funding – Landscape Designers Corrected – San Francisco Needs to Admit it Was Wrong About Vaping – Policy Debates Regarding Nicotine Vaping Products in Australia – Reduce the harm if it cannot be stopped – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Fridays News at a glance: EU Tax policy – harmful to health – Nic-free? No such thing – An unhealthy interest in e-cigs? – American Society of Plastic Surgeons – Plastic surgeons concerned about nicotine – Americans believe lies about vaping – Fighting for the right to vape – Smoking in Pregnancy – Medicalisation, smoking and e-cigs -Politicians Are Feeling the Burn – A Historical Timeline of Electronic Cigarettes – Teach Cigarette Users How to Vape – E-Cigarette Regulation in China – Top 16 Junk Science Stories Of 2016 – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Friday, 2nd December 2016

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