In the News February 4th


Thursdays News at a glance:

Does Vaping Attack the Immune System? – American Lung Association Gives Middle Finger to Vapers Who Have Quit or are Trying to Quit Smoking – Mayo Clinic: E-Cigarettes well accepted by patients before elective surgery – A Policy Experiment is Worth a Million Lives – The Very Low Nicotine Cigarette (VLNC) versus the e-cigarette – E-cig regulation in Norway: A short status update – Diacetyl in e-cigarettes – VapourTrails TV – Petition: Belgian Federation of Vaping Professionals – Tobacco Harm Reduction Update – E-quitting – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Thu, 4 February 2016

Does Vaping Attack the Immune System?

Mawsley – Planet of the Vapes

In a bid to differentiate the nicotine in vapour from the nicotine contained in patches and gum (while conveniently forgetting inhalers), yet more science dribbles out of the USA’s West Coast.

“The debate over the safety of e-cigarettes has taken another turn after US researchers found evidence to suggest that they are toxic to human airway cells, suppress immune defences and alter inflammation, while also boosting bacterial virulence,” wrote The Pharma Times.

American Lung Association

Gives Middle Finger to Vapers Who Have Quit or are Trying to Quit Smoking – The Rest of the Story

According to a statement published by the American Lung Association (ALA): “the Lung Association does not support using them for cessation, nor does it support any direct or implied claims that e-cigarettes help smokers quit.”

Elsewhere, the ALA states: “The American Lung Association is troubled about unproven claims that e-cigarettes can be used to help smokers quit.”

E-Cigarettes well accepted by patients before elective surgery

Kevin Crowley – Blasting News

The Mayo Clinic has released their report “Feasibility of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems in Surgical Patients” of an observational study where patients facing elective surgery were given Electronic Nicotine Delivery Devices (ENDS) before and two weeks after elective surgery. The study was conducted between December 2014 through June 2015….

Strength wot does it!

Steve Christie

“Ecigs don’t work for me!” Said my neighbour.
“What strength of Ejuice are you on?””strongest I could find….24mg.”
Later on that night? I mixed him up some 36mg. Gave it to him next day.
A few days later?.. “Got anymore of that juice? This does the job!”
Happy to help my friend..

There’s a moral there somewhere don’t you think?


The Very Low Nicotine Cigarette (VLNC) versus the e-cigarette

Jérôme Harlay – PGVG

A press release by a plant biotechnology company that is a leader in tobacco harm reduction announces forthcoming actions for promoting the Very Low Nicotine Cigarettes in New Zealand. It may appear controversial for a country that aims at achieving a smoke free status by the year 2025 to defend such a political line while the regulation of nicotine e-cigarette is very strict.

Tobacco Harm Reduction Update

Bill Godshall – E-Cigarette Politics

THR Business, Vapor Product Advocacy and Education, US Packaging Restrictions, FDA, US Government Funded Junk Science, Propaganda and Lobbying for FDA Deeming Ban, US Government Waste, Responsible Vapor Product Regulation, Litigation, Taxation, Vaping Bans, Smokeless Tobacco Ban, Minimum Age Laws, Criminalizing Youth, California Marijuana Legalization, Movie Censorship, Public Health Incompetence, THR Research, Smoking Cessation Research, More Junk Science, Propaganda and Lies.

E-cig regulation in Norway: A short status update

Vaping Giraffe

This Christmas I was sure I was going to be able to do more writing and keep you guys up to date on the situation in Norway. I turned out quite the opposite from what I expected, and for reasons I’m not going to talk about here, I haven’t been able to do much writing at all. Neither do I think there will be much time in the months to come either, but I’ll try to write some updates (and some reviews) when I can…

A Policy Experiment is Worth a Million Lives

Lynn T. Kozlowski – Issues

Smoking cigarettes is a public health disaster in the United States and the rest of the world. Every year, around 500,000 smokers die prematurely, and the Surgeon General considers smoking the single largest preventable cause of death in the United States. But not all tobacco products are alike in the risks they bring to users and those around them. This diversity of ways to deliver nicotine to the user offers regulatory pathways to reducing—perhaps radically—the toll of smoking…


Diacetyl in e-cigarettes –

What we can really say (not much) – Carl V. Phillips – Anti-THR Lies

I received an inquiry about diacetyl from a reporter in the e-cigarette press and though I would share my response more widely. Most readers will know that diacetyl is a food additive that produces a strong buttery flavor, and that it is a the most controversial among the several controversial flavoring agents in e-cigarettes.

Petition: Belgian Federation of Vaping Professionals

Jérôme Harlay – PGVG

A petition in support of the electronic cigarette will be addressed to the Government and Ministry of Health, Maggie de Block. The association of professionals BFVP calls signatures to express users’ disagreement with the forthcoming government’s manoeuvre and not be excluded from the proceedings. Professionals ask the Government not to ratify the enabling act on the draft health-related legislation. As a representative of electronic cigarette users, BFVP refuses to debate without being consulted for future legislation regarding electronic cigarette.

VapourTrails TV

Dave and Keith examine two devices for the starting vaper/intermediate, look at more NZ footage, talk to Sonia Dee about her study and much, much more.


James Martin – McGill Reporter

Although the holidays may seem like a distant memory, statistically speaking, most of us are still sticking with our New Year’s resolutions.  For many, that means quitting smoking — and they’re hoping that electronic cigarettes will help. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half of all American smokers have tried e-cigarettes to help them kick the habit. But Dr. Mark Eisenberg wants to know: Is vaping really the magic ticket to breathing free and easy?

Paddypuff have issued the following Recall Notice

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