In the News 11th December


Fridays News at a glance:

Big Health’s unlikely tobacco shills – North Korea for e cig beginners – Advertising under the Tobacco Products Directive – Proposals for UK law on the advertising of e-cigarettes – This vaping video is ILLEGAL! – New e-cig study reveals crisis in journalism – Speech to White House OMB – New tech in HK: Fighting to be free – E-cigarette ban ‘unhelpful’ to licensed hospitality – Faith Goldy’s On the Hunt – The new Tobacco Act would allow electronic cigarettes – Finland – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest – Fri, 11 December 2015

Big Health’s unlikely tobacco shills


I’ll begin by stating what used to be the obvious – I don’t mind if people smoke.

By which I don’t just mean I’m happy for friends and strangers to smoke in my house, my car or my place of work, and that I was happy about this before, during and after the 23 years I smoked myself. I mean that their decision to smoke, or not, is theirs. And theirs alone.

It used to be an obvious statement. If you’ll allow me to drift into foreign for a moment, Laissez-faire was de rigeur. But not anymore….

North Korea for e cig beginners

Dave Upton – E-Cig Health Risks

I’m really hoping that someone will tell me that I’ve misunderstood. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised by the publication of the Department of Health’s draft on the implementation of the Tobacco Product Directive’s section on advertising. Article 20(5) will however prevent smokers and e cig beginners from learning about the products.

Not only that, this site and others like it, in fact any site, forum or vendor that dare mention e-cigs will be banned from doing so from May 2016 and will run the risk of prosecution as a result.

Advertising under the Tobacco Products Directive

Facts Do Matter

As many of you will no doubt be aware, the UK implementation of theTobacco Products Directive is coming whether we like it or not. September 3rd saw the closure of the official public consultation on the majority of the implementation regulations. Today saw the publication of additional ‘guidance’ under Article 20 section 5. Specifically all about the advertising portion of Article 20.

Proposals for UK law

On the advertising of e-cigarettes – Department of Health – Deadline 4 January 2016

Article 20(5) of the Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EC requires EU member states to introduce restrictions on the advertising of electronic cigarettes. The documents on this page include:

  • an outline of how the Department of Health intends to do that by using a minimal approach (there is no intention to go beyond the requirements imposed by the Directive)
  • the draft UK regulations

This vaping video is ILLEGAL!

Smoke Without Fire: The story of the e-cigarette

New e-cig study reveals crisis in journalism

Fergus Mason – Blasting News

Instead of researching their stories to find out the truth, too many journalists rely on press releases. We need a return to proper reporting.

Today, film director Aaron Biebert presented a speech to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. In it he issued an eloquent plea for President Obama to ensure that upcoming FDA regulations on electronic cigarettes don’t wipe out the industry and leave what survives in the hands of the tobacco companies….

Speech to White House OMB

Aaron Biebert – A Billion LiVes

President Obama and staff at the Office of Management & Budget,
The World Health Organization projects that a billion people will die this century from smoking-related illness. In the United States alone, more people die each year from smoking than AIDS, alcohol, illegal drugs, murders, suicides, and car accidents combined.
Smoking is deadly.
Unfortunately, so are poor regulations…

New tech in HK: Fighting to be free

A fight broke out yesterday at a conference in Causeway Bay. While actual physical blows were not traded, rhetorical fisticuffs were exchanged between a scientist and business leader over vaping (also known inaccurately as e-cigarettes). Their fight mirrors that for many new industries rising in Hong Kong and our government’s response will determine if we are a centre for innovation or a wet blanket on the fire of economic growth….

E-cigarette ban ‘unhelpful’ to licensed hospitality

Nathan Pearce – Eat Out

The Association of Multiple Licensed Retailers has responded to the Welsh Government’s decision to amend plans for a ban on e-cigarettes in public places.
The ALMR has argued that any ban incorporating licensed hospitality venues is likely to be unhelpful and that no evidence has shown e-cigarettes causing harm…

Faith Goldy’s On the Hunt:

Gun fight after San Bernardino – #VapeDad Randy Hillier, to talk about the Ontario Liberals’ war on e-cigarettes and vaping

The new Tobacco Act would allow electronic cigarettes

And practically put an end to its use – Slightly more positive news from Finland, although Google translate crucifies this so its barely coherent . This is a major departure from the usual propaganda.

Suomi saa keväällä uuden tupakkalain, joka panee täytäntöön Euroopan unionin tupakkatuotedirektiivin. Moni tupakoimaton voi olla tyytyväinen esimerkiksi siihen, että taloyhtiöiden mahdollisuudet puuttua häiritsevään parveketupakointiin paranevat.




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