Month: June 2020

Friday’s News at a glance:- European Vaping Manifesto Launched – WHO Uses World No Tobacco Day to Attack Vaping – The European Union Will Impose a Vape Product Tax – EU Member States Pushing EU-wide Vapor Tax – Vaping and COVID – Dr Yach and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control – Efficacious Vapes – Snussing Out COVID – The Tooth of the Matter –  Experts accuse WHO of encouraging smoking – What lessons might be learned from India’s e-cig ban? – Nicotine and SARS-CoV-2: COVID-19 – Finalized Vape Bill Counterproductive to Achieving Smokefree 2025 – Alberta’s new vape laws – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest

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Wednesday’s News at a glance: New Zealand leads the way with new vaping regulations ~ Our best chance to stamp smoking out ~ Evidence Is Clear: Vaping Helps Smokers Quit, Saves Lives ~ In the UK National Health Service, Staffers …

Vaping Digest June 3rd Read More »

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Monday’s News at a glance:- International experts in tobacco policy say WHO is blocking innovation – Tobacco Prohibitionists Not Letting This Pandemic Go to Waste – UK: IBVTA Issues Guidance on Reopening Vape Shops Safely – Tips For Smokers Switching to Snus – Scary Stories About Vaping Aren’t Helping Anyone – GFN 2020 Registration Open – WHO – Finnish Off Vaping – FSFW Transparency – Comprehensive Chemical Characterization – Message on World Vape Day – A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes Versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy

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