News Review 11th October


This is the week that was…

A relatively quiet news week with no major breaking stories, a few news articles appeared following the release of further studies into Very Low Nicotine Content cigarettes (VLNC), which have been widely ridiculed as impractical, and a thorough waste of research money.

The Welsh Government(WG) released study data clearly demonstrating no Gateway effect in Wales, amusingly, their own data was ignored by a WG ‘spokesperson’ quoting an obscure USA study instead(with very limited numbers) as proof.

Finally of significance, a very interesting study from Dr Christopher Russell was published with a good analysis made by the ever excellent Sally Satel,highlighting how Vapers could help and encourage smokers in their transition, ie a formal ‘buddy’ system( one that haphazardly exists already).

Monday 5th October


The 3 chosen articles for the day are:

A savaging of ASH(UK) regarding their apparent TPD blindspot by Dick Puddlecote

Dr Michael Siegel commenced his attacks on VLNC supporters

A very well argued appeal from Dr Christopher Russell regarding advertising of e-cigarettes

Tuesday 6th October


Two standout items of the day

The article I mentioned in the introduction from Sally Satel

One of the first YouTube informative messages that Vapers In Power, and VapourTrailsTV (VTTV) are encouraging all others to replicate featured Abi Cott.

Wednesday 7th October


Dick Puddlecote adds his thoughts to the article from Sally Satel on Vapers helping smokers Quit

VLNC debate continued!

and from Dr Siegel

Thursday 8th October


VLNC (continued)

Clive Bates updated his detailed blog ‘The Tobacco endgame – a critical review of policy ideas’ to incorporate an appraisal

Dr Siegel continued his attack! this time pointing out and ridiculing the absurdity spewing forth from Stanton Glantz

Radio 5Live had an interesting discussion today featuring Sarah Jakes from the New Nicotine Alliance( NNA UK), Debbie Arnott(ASH), Ram Moorthy(BMA)

Friday 9th October


Analysis of the Welsh Government report demonstrating similar results to all studies thus far :-showing negligible regular use of e-cigarettes by non-smokers.

A splendid article by Christopher Snowdon in the Spectator

Dr Farsalinos’ reply to what is now a long-running saga in the BMA (23 responses)

Good news from New Zealand -a new advocacy group NZVA launched

Finally Vapers in Power weekly Call to Action

The USA has continued on its path of local indoor or outside public space/park e-cigarette bans in a multitude of cities and states. Few positive or negative news reports regarding the landmark Public Health England announcement have appeared in the UK recently,although still appearing in many articles worldwide. I feel sure that opponents have not ceased in their attempts to discredit this report,‘Science by innuendo’ and ‘conflict of interest’ arguments will no doubt reappear in the near future, much to the detriment of existing smokers who are contemplating a switchover to e-cigarettes.
