Vapers Digest 16th March

Wednesday’s News at a glance:

NSW Health’s misinformation campaign is bound to flop ~ Vaping Problem In Schools Is The Result Of A Black Market That Could Have Been Avoided ~ IBVTA Issues VAT Call ~ GFN Ukraine Update ~ Content and trend analysis of user-generated nicotine sickness tweets: A retrospective infoveillance study ~ Science of tobacco harm reduction

NSW Health’s misinformation campaign is bound to flop

Colin Mendelsohn

Young people should not vape or smoke. They should also be given accurate evidence-based information to help them make informed choices. The NSW Health ‘Do you know what you’re vaping?’ campaign is alarmist and provides many misleading and inaccurate messages and is bound to flop.

Some of the more egregious and misleading statements are challenged below

“Vaping has been linked to a serious disease”

This is deliberately misleading.

Vaping Problem In Schools Is The Result Of A Black Market That Could Have Been Avoided

Legalize Vaping

The explosion of vaping in schools that has finally triggered a response from the NSW Government is a result of backwards regulations that have fostered a black market and could have easily been avoided, Legalise Vaping Australia (LVA) said today.

While the funding of a $300,000 education campaign to support schools and students in managing the vaping problem in schools is a well-intentioned development, it is only necessary because of a black market that is now completely out of control and flooded with dodgy products.


THREE from Dave Cross, Planet of the Vapes

IBVTA Issues VAT Call

Trade body the Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA) has echoed the Local Government Association’s (LGA) call for a reduction in VAT on e-cigarettes. They are demanding the government reduces tax from 20 to 5 per cent to bring it in line with sales on nicotine gum and patches.

GFN Ukraine Update

The Global Forum on Nicotine conference organisers have released a statement with reference to the situation in Ukraine. The Global Forum on Nicotine is set to take place in Warsaw, Poland, 16 – 18 June 2022. Organisers issued the statement on Wednesday 9 March 2022.

China Crisis

China and vapers face a possible triple crisis with a new ban on flavoured e-liquid in the land of ecigs, a Covid lockdown in Shenzhen, and the lingering possibility that support for Russia could lead to sanctions and further supply issues.

Science of tobacco harm reduction

Lanre Odusile, The Punch

In the 40 years since Professor Michael Russell, a South African scholar and specialist in the field of smoking behaviour, pioneered the logic that smokers smoke for nicotine but are killed by tar, the assertion has largely remained incontrovertible despite the opposition to it in some quarters. This logic has served as a pivot for the concept of tobacco harm reduction and the arguments in favour of it.

On this Day…2020

CDC’s Shift From Vaping to COVID-19

Jacob Sullum, Reason

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an agency that is currently focusing on the core mission reflected in its name, until recently was darkly warning us about a very different kind of “epidemic“: an increase in e-cigarette use by teenagers, coupled with an outbreak of vaping-related lung injuries. The first concern did not involve any sort of disease; the latter did, but unlike COVID-19, the condition that the CDC dubbed “e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury” (EVALI) was not a contagious illness caused by a micoorganism. And contrary to the CDC’s misleading nomenclature and dangerously misguided initial advice, the two developments appear to be completely unrelated.

Magnetic component in e-cigarettes

Found to interfere with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator function

Philadelphia, March 16, 2020 – An e-cigarette carried in the left breast shirt pocket of a patient with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) caused magnetic reversion, interrupting the ICD’s ability to detect and treat dangerous heart rhythm problems, clinicians report in HeartRhythm Case Reports, published by Elsevier. The patient was not aware that the e-cigarette has an integrated magnetic component, and it had suspended detection of heart rhythm problems by the ICD four times before he reported it to his healthcare team.

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