In the News 12th August
Wednesdays News at a glance:
Eire On Fire – E-cigarettes – answering the burning questions – Malaysia: No ban on e-cigarettes – Taxes on nicotine products: can variable levels help stem the toll of smoking? – Reaching Vaping’s Subsegments – A Five Year Journey – Vapers Claiming Side-effects of E-cigs – Nicotine Science and Policy – Daily Digest
Eire On Fire
Mawsley – POTV
The Irish government is coming in for a lot of stick from its electorate for a number of reasons. It doesn’t help when Fianna Fail propose ridiculous legislation for them. Rather than adopting a common sense approach, relying on facts, they are following the World Health Organisation’s advice to the letter. An oppressive environment for electronic cigarette users and vendors has been made worse with an imminent advertising ban….
E-cigarettes – answering the burning questions
Lucy Davies – CRUK
An estimated 2.6 million people now use e-cigarettes in the UK. And this rapid rise in popularity – along with the huge range of products on sale – has meant that research on the devices has struggled to keep up.
It’s no surprise then that e-cigarettes have become a bit of a contentious public health issue, with vapers, scientists and the media all debating the potential positive or negative consequences of their use….
Malaysia: No ban on e-cigarettes
Sandhya Sriram –
Despite the controversy surrounding e-cigarettes (read more here), the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems won’t be banned in Malaysia. National Institute of Respiratory Medicine director Datuk Dr Abdul Razak Muttalif says e-cigs are legal – for now.
The Government won’t follow in the footsteps of neighbours like Brunei, Singapore, and Thailand in banning e-cigs but it would look at how to effectively regulate the industry instead, he says….
Reaching Vaping’s Subsegments
Melissa Vonder Haar – CSPNet
It’s a brave new world when it comes to e-vapor, something convenience-store retailers and vaping manufacturers know all too well. It seems like every week there’s a new product hitting shelves, albeit not every “next big thing” pans out….
Taxes on nicotine products:
Can variable levels help stem the toll of smoking? :Gil Ross – ACSH
In today’s NEJM, a Perspective article by three experts in tobacco and economics discuss variable approaches to taxing nicotine-delivery products. Entitled Differential Taxes for Differential Risks — Toward Reduced Harm from Nicotine-Yielding Products, it is co-authored byFrank J. Chaloupka, Ph.D., David Sweanor, J.D., and Kenneth E. Warner, Ph.D….
A Five Year Journey
Glimpses Through The Mist – Kristin Noll-Marsh
As of today, I haven’t smoked a cigarette in five years. But I didn’t set out to quit smoking. I became what is known as an “accidental quitter” when I switched to using an electronic cigarette. Before I tried one, I was resigned to being a smoker until I died….
Vapers Claiming Side-effects of E-cigs
Despite vehement efforts of stunned experts – Vaping Links
With any “treatment” to stop smoking, there seems to be side effects. E-Cigarette users are clearly explaining below what effects they are experiencing with their use of this product. The question is VERY clear to the participant in this still ongoing survey. With the question comes an answer….