In the News March 9th


Wednesdays News at a glance:

Surreal Stuff In The Lords – E-cigarette ban wins support – Vaping – is the jury still out? – Stop saying it’s not an e-cigarette ban – Does a tobacco-free world need to be nicotine free? – Half of North-East smokers used e-cigarettes – Vapers, ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated? – Campaigns and counter campaigns – Belgian vapers mobilize against the Royal decree – Health Effects and Demographics of Electronic Cigarette Users. – WHO Urges All Countries To Ban Smoking – Taxation: Electronic Cigarettes – E-cigarette ban monstrous – Vaping ban defeated in Ansonia – Tobacco Harm Reduction Update – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Surreal Stuff In The Lords

Dick Puddlecote

I case you missed it, there was something of a Twilight Zone moment in the House of Lords the other day.

It started mundanely enough, with Viscount Ridley raising the thorny issue of the EU proposing to tax e-cigs….

E-cigarette ban wins support

Ian Craig – South Wales Argus

A BID to throw out a proposed ban on the use of e-cigarettes in schools, hospitals, places where food is served and other public places in Wales has failed.

The Welsh Governments Public Health (Wales) Bill includes provision to restrict ‘vaping’ in a number of public places and was discussed in the Senedd today.

But the proposal has proven controversial among some, with claims it will unfairly penalise those who use e-cigarettes to attempt to stop smoking.

Vaping – Is the jury still out?

Dr Penny Woods – The Hippocratic Post

On National No Smoking Day, many doctors and nurses will be underlining the message to patients that they should quit smoking to improve their health.

We know that many people have successfully used e-cigarettes to quit smoking. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency recently awarded a licence to allow the e-Voke brand to be marketed as a smoking cessation aid – the first time an e-cigarette has received such a licence….

Stop saying it’s not an e-cigarette ban –

If it is an ‘offence’ and I would get fined…then it’s a ban – Rachel Flint

Soon you might not be able to puff bubblegum smelling vape to your heart’s content in many fun places in Wales – the caterpillar in Wonderland would be screwed.

The list of the places so-called vaping will be ‘banned’ is pretty extensive if the Public Health (Wales) Bill is passed next week…

Does a tobacco-free world need to be nicotine free?

 – The Guardian

Today is No Smoking Day, a day to support those who want to quit smoking. But should smokers who quit aim to quit nicotine too?

Happy No Smoking Day everyone! Run by the British Heart Foundation, today is part of a campaign aiming to help smokers who want to quit, by highlighting the help available, and providing support. I recommend checking out their website if you’re trying to quit, or know someone who is and want to support them.

Half of North-East smokers

Used e-cigarettes in an attempt to quit – Joe Willis – The Northern Echo

The study comes as thousands of smokers attempt to quit on No Smoking Day today

The Smoking Toolkit Study from University College London revealed that e-cigarettes have overtaken licensed nicotine replacement therapies such as NRT, gum or skin patches as the most popular form of support to stop smoking.

Vapers, ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

Simon Clark – Taking Liberties

So how’s the relationship between tobacco control and the vaping community working out? Not great if this morning’s news is any guide.

Newspapers are reporting that Little Haven beach in Pembrokeshire is to become the first beach in Britain to trial no-smoking signs….


Campaigns and counter campaigns:

Reactions on Twitter to e-cigarette education – Tobacco Control – BMJ

Social media present opportunities for public health departments to galvanise interest in health issues. A challenge is creating content that will resonate with target audiences, and determining reactions to educational material. Twitter can be used as a real-time surveillance system to capture individuals’ immediate reactions to education campaigns and such information could lead to better campaigns in the future…

Belgian vapers mobilize against the Royal decree

Jérôme Harlay – PGVG

A Belgian vaper, Chantal Genneaux, is angry against the government after the publication of the Royal Decree referring to “the manufacturing and the marketing of e-cigarettes”. Here is a petition to exhort the Minister of Public Health, Maggie De Block, cancelling the decree.

Final Debate and Vote on the Welsh Vaping Ban

As always. Thank you to @dnglos for the YouTubage

Health Effects and Demographics of Electronic Cigarette Users (PDF)

A Comparison of Health Events in Previous Smokers With Three or more years of Electronic Cigarette Experience – Robert L. Cranfield MD

Anonymous online surveys as well as some local paper surveys were distributed to electronic cigarette social media sites and local electronic cigarette stores in the Southeastern United States. There were 573 respondents in a 6 month period from March to August 2015. Subgroups analyzed were those with 3 or more years use, previous never users of tobacco products ,and those who had no health issues while smoking .

WHO Urges All Countries To Ban Smoking

Coinciding with today being World No Tobacco Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) is urging all countries to bring in a 100 per cent ban on smoking in indoor public places and workplaces and has released its new policy recommendations on protection from exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke.


Taxation: Electronic Cigarettes

HM Treasury written question – answered on 8th March 2016.

To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether the Government plans to make representations to EU institutions on EU plans to tax (a) e-cigarettes and (b) other reduced risk products at the same rates as combustible cigarettes….

E-cigarette ban monstrous

SBS – Australia

After 35 years of smoking and a dozen failed attempts at quitting, Angela Gordon finally kicked her addiction – but she’s become a criminal in the process.

The 54-year-old nurse had been smoking since she was 12, trying patches, gums, inhalers and the medication Champix to drop the habit that drove her to smoke more than 40 cigarettes a day, making her increasingly ill in the meantime.

Vaping ban defeated in Ansonia

An ordinance designed to ban vaping from the city’s athletic fields, parks and recreation centers was defeated unanimously following an impassioned plea by two city residents who use the electronic devices to help them kick their smoking habit…

Tobacco Harm Reduction Update

Bill Godshall – E-Cigarette Politics

THR Advocacy, FDA Deeming Ban, Obama’s DHHS Lobbies to Protect Big Pharma NRT from Vapor and Tobacco Products, Litigation, Taxation, California, Indiana E-liquid Monopoly Law, Internet Vapor Sales Ban, Vapor Retail Restriction, Minimum Age Laws, Vaping Bans, Smoking Bans, Smokeless Tobacco Bans, EU TPD, Germany, UK Bans Lobbying with Government $$, Quebec Flavoring Ban, Australian Plain Packaging Law, Battery Safety, THR Research, THR Censorship, Conflicts Of Interest And Hypocrisy, Junk Science, Propaganda and Lies….


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