News 26th Nov 2014

Why are we bringing back Smoking?

As an ex-smoker who gave up the habit with huge difficulty 30 years ago, I have been pleased at the way smoking has become increasingly invisible in my life. First it disappeared from advertisements on my television screen, then from colleagues in my office, and then from my pub…..

Put that in your Pipe

Smokers of e-cigarettes should not be persecuted

Fears that electronic cigarettes act as a gateway to tobacco addiction are dispelled like a puff of smoke by hard figures from the Office for National Statistics…..

On Advocacy. If I were a Vape Shop owner

My trip to the Mt. Juliet City Hall last night as a TSFA representative only solidified my current belief that we as vapers and those of you as business owners can make a difference and effect a change in how vaping is viewed upon and policies are written…..

Would Aristotle Vape?

As I surfaced the other day, there was a discussion on Today about the marketing of e-cigarattes between Deborah Arnott, chief executive of ASH, and Lorien Jollye of the New Nicotine Alliance (now there‘s an organisation that wears its heart on its sleeve!)….

Dear Mr Speaker

We are writing in regard to recent advice you have received in relation to banning the use of e-cigarettes within the House of Commons…..

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